new plate idea's (No Bullshit)

vanity plates are issues to your CURRENT plate, and follows the exisiting registration. in a police database it will come up as your originally plate, with the vanity as a legal substitution, which is why you do not have to surrender your current tags

I was told to destroy the original tags after I got the vanity plates. I went to the DMV to transfer my original tags to another car (taking the 240 off the road) and they said I can only transfer the vanity plates, and I shouldnt even have the original tags. But the thing is I don’t want the vanity plates on my daily so I want to get regular tags. It’s all kinda fucked up :lol

You should get boytchr

This has to be the funniest thread.

fuck the 50 spot, that’s priceless.

^hahah funny as hell

If I’m not mistaken, that guy had to pull his plate and they made him send it back.

he was from Elitedubs, out in central ny, he had the plate for like 3 days. and was summoned to surrender the plate due to numerous complaints.:lmao

^ yup that happened to me when i had “LO4UHOS” on my slammed lightning.

Haha… I see a yellow SRT10 (Ram) in the area with the plate “URGRLSL8” or something… Thought that was pretty funny too, anyone seen this truck?

In the nisky area?

Yes… Seen it too? Kinda hard to miss a yellow Ram. Hehe

Its my buddy Lee.

Cool, tell him nice truck and funny plate! :thumb

HAha ok if you see a piece of shit black mk3 golf thats him too haha