New Pledge of Allegiance!

so the government can give corporations huge tax breaks, pay Tiffani Trailerpark to keep popping out kids, pay farmers NOT to grow crops, and spend more on the military than every other country on earth combined, but it can’t help people get affordable health insurance?

let’s face it: america is getting fatter and dumber every generation. we need to make school fucking hard, and we need to give kids incentives to stick to working their dicks off to be the smartest on earth. I’m appalled at the lack of basic knowledge most people have when they graduate high school. high school needs to be harder, and a college degree needs to actually mean something again.

yeah but you know what the problem is, you can sue for anything now and days. Christ an example of this is when West virginia was on the verg of having no doctors because the malpractice suits are threw the roof. Doctors are afraid to put a fucking band aid on some one’s knee for fear of being sued.

You can sue to divorce your parents, you can sue because you are offended by the plege of alligence.

Weather or not the cases go to court or are one, its the point. people are too fucking sue happy to make a quick buck. The reason people are sue happy is do to moral decline period. back when I was growing up If I did half the things these punk kids did I would get my ass beat into next tuesday.

this country is getting way to fucking liberal and this is why we are having so many problems in all aspects of our way of life.

And before I get any commenst about having nothing to do with shit, yeah it does, It has to do with everything. why do you think some of these stupid laws are in place. Because some one sued because it was unfair to them. Once that happend it spread like wild fire.