New Rx-7

I heard once you pull these things apart if you do not know what you’re doing, these motors turn into an absolute nightmare, especially if you go changing apex seals.

Are the apex seals bad?

Some kid in high school had one of these things. He barely drove it because when he did it would constantly break down. Total piece of shit car to have as a daily driver IMO.

I fully expect to see you at Lebanon Valley on May 15th roasting the ever living shit out of those tires in a controlled slide

Nice Color! I love this car!

hellllllllll yeaahhhhh

no the seals are good for all i know but i wanted to change it up sometime soon just in case ive been like reading repair guides about rebuilding it its def complicated its something ya just gotta read up about

thanks man youll prolly see it at justins sometime

plzz get this thing on the road or sell it to my brother…

Shit will blow up ,moron doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing .I give it a month

dude if ya dont know these cars leave it alone ,they will bite ya in the ass if ya treat em wrong

Definately a good idea.

Scrap the rotary junk and put in something reliable.

good one…

not… stfu if your gunna talk shit

yeah ive heard that one before idk it does run good though i just gotta watch oil and coolant levels especially with the rotary

how old are ya ? do ya know how to work on cars or do ya work on cars on the internet??? if its option 2 walk away and sell it as you will hate life

on avg you will lose bout a qt every 1000 miles

im 17 man im learning im learning give it a chance

yeah thats what the guy said im gunna run castrol gtx 10w-30 thats what he used before he said it was fine but def gotta watch the oil if i dont psh minus well start looking for a new engine

im not downing ya ,but leve the car as is for now ,it will leave a bitter taste in your mouth if ya dont ,there ok till ya fuck wit em

It’s definitely not something you just read up on and then go ahead and pull it apart and expect it to go flawlessly. As someone else mentioned, if you’re just some internet technician working on cars, stop what your doing right now.

yeah thanks man i know people come on here and just start bagging on everything cause they have nothing better to do but yeah i def want to do the apex seals just because thats usually what goes wrong with rotary engines but idk if i should do it myself and follow the guide i have or just have someone else do it idk what do you think

Ask yourself this, have you ever done it before? If you answered no, then that answers your question. Have someone who has done the job do it.

are ya smokin like a pig when its at runnin temp???