New Sex Positions

even with pics!!!


Fucking LOL @

The Tony Romo
Have your girl leap across the room into your arms and then carelessly let her slip and smash her head on the coffee table. Then pick her up, take a shit all over the floor, and drop her head first onto the carpet while you flail around like a complete pussy. Then go fuck an entire city.

I like the slinky

"The Obstetrician
When your wife is pregnant, practice for the big day by dilating her baby maker with your Breisky pelvimeter. If you don’t have a Breisky pelvimeter, you can use your penis.

Bonus points if you induce labor or dent the baby’s fontanel."

:heart: the phat phree

The Handsome Pilot
While quoting scenes from Top Gun and wearing aviator helmets, pound your wingman from behind. As you climax and your partner screams, “Eject! Eject! Eject!”, jump into the ceiling and snap your neck.

poor goose.

Jesus, I haven’t laughed this hard for a while. I dont even know why

The Inconsiderate Driver
When having sex from behind, you “change lanes” without signaling.


HAHAHAHHA excellent

lo-fuckin-l at the tony romo
bonus points for having he nerve to attend the pro bowl afterwards

lol at the japanese businessman

is this not the best?

The Jon Benet
Have your girl dress up like the rotting corpse of a murdered seven-year-old beauty pageant contestant. You wear a sign that reads, “The News Media”. Then fuck her mercilessly into the ground for more than decade.

lmao , awesome

lmao iwas gonna post this one too

Ride The Bull
When you are pounding a chick in the ass, reach around and grab onto her titties and yell “I HAVE AIDS!”, then try and stay on as long as you can.


The Jiffy Lube
Take three hours to do a 20 minute job, recommend thousands of dollars of work be done to your partner, and then spend about 15 minutes fucking with a computer trying to type in address information.


The Slinky ftw.

and dammit if i only saw the figurehead a couple weeks ago on the cruise.

Anyone else see the predator one.

great find now I’ll be a even better lover.