New Tibby in B-Lo

Whats up guys. I just heard about this site and wondered over from I also just moved to East Aurora with my Fiance were we will be living for at least a year. I work at Circuit City as an installer. I own a 1998 Hyundai Tiburon FX with very, very, little work done to it so far(low on funds). My fiance has a 1998 Dodge Neon R/T which I want to put a little work into to make a little more fun for Auto-x.

Welcome fellow East Aurorian.

Hey welcome…Have Fun!:headbang:

Any pictures? I’ll keep my eye out for the tibb.

If you see a Green 2g DSM around town, give me a wave.

That is if I ever get it running again. :lol:

we’re better than roclife and tiffany teen buttsex

welcome :tup:

Here are some pics, hopefully I’ll be hitting up the Auto-X scene again, maybe with the R/T: