new to nyspeed

Hello I’m Wendell, nice forum although i have what Adam Sandler so kindly puts, “A Piece Of Shit KAA”. Love cars though whats everyone have?


see sig for the current fleet, whats your “Piece Of Shit KAA” ? dont be ashamed now…

Who are you. You added me and my friends on XBL and were kinda freaked out about it.

I just added names as i saw them on here for XBL, since everyone put up their gamer tag, I added everyone to see who plays Forza 2. I notice you are all on call of duty 4 though.
My car is a truck and it’s a Dodge Ram 1500, oh and for the record it’s we’re not were. :wink:

welcome :wave:

i like this kid already.

LOL…adam was ZAPPED!

welcome aboard dude :wave:


Unless sureshot! switched tenses in the middle of his sentence, it’s *we were, not we’re or were.

Anyhow, welcome aboard! There’s lotsa piece-o-shit kaa’s on here so you’ll fit right in. As long as you aspire to make it better and/or get something even nicer. :stuck_out_tongue:

the sentence is correct with WE’RE.
he SENT (past) us a threat and WE ARE (present) scared.



Eh, either way is correct. Switching tenses makes more sense though since they don’t know who he is so they’re probably presently still scared so yeah, you’re probably right.

I’m having a very difficult time restraining myself from ripping this noob’s ass open with a verbal / written slaying. :frowning:

I did not make a grammatical mistake. It would be very unlike me to do so, you all know this.

I scored a 5 on my AP English exam and naturally have hella good writin’ skillz. Plenty of collegiate classes further advanced my technique.





youz all grammer sissys.

Welcome noob. You wont enjoy your stay, its like a bad accident, you cant look away, and disturbed by what you see.


Welcome Aboard :wave:

am i allowed to say welcome to ppl when im still new? jw