New Transformers Trailer

That does look like a transmarorex. JDM wheels too, thats hawt!

I got the rally edition.

Anybody else hear the news that Peter Cullen, who did the voice for Optimus Prime in the cartoon will be doing the voice in the movie?!

gonna be good, i used to love the cartoon…

I have a JDM optimus prime in the JDM box. I should sell it once the movie comes out.

fuck that this movie looks badass. this will be the first movie i ever go see the day it comes out.

Dl the new trailer now, you can hear optimus prime talk at the end.


omg omg omg omg omg

did anyone see the trailer tonight during family guy.

omg omg omg omg omg i cant fucking wait. i am such a nerd but this movie is long overdue for me

omgo omg omgomgomg wet pants

Dadadadamn!!! im definitely going to the sneak preview!

holy fuck that looks sweet

yea, thats the one they show during the previews for shrek

holy fuck

the best part…is the original transforming noise AND the original optimus prime voice :tspry:


yea, thats the one they show during the previews for shrek

holy fuck

the best part…is the original transforming noise AND the original optimus prime voice :tspry:



I checked the voices for this movie, Peter Cullen is the voice of Optimus Prime, the same voice from the cartoon and the Transformers the Movie. Fuggin Sweet!! I can’t wait to see this movie!!


Welcome to 5 months ago… :roll2: :smiley:


yea, thats the one they show during the previews for shrek

holy fuck

the best part…is the original transforming noise AND the original optimus prime voice :tspry:


The best part was the people behind me in the theater talking after the preview

“doos day talk?”
“that be stoopid”
“fur realz”

God i cant wait till the galleria mall has its own movie theater again.

lol wtf are you talking about ghettoria is terrible…

the trailer shown last night on fox was freaking sweet, I wasn’t all that pumped about the movie until I saw that and now I cannot wait :tup:


lol wtf are you talking about ghettoria is terrible…

the trailer shown last night on fox was freaking sweet, I wasn’t all that pumped about the movie until I saw that and now I cannot wait :tup:


Im talking about having them go back to where they came from so i can watch a movie in peace.


Welcome to 5 months ago… :roll2: :smiley:


welcome to reading about it 5 months ago

welcome to FUCKING SEEING AND HEARING IT 2 days ago

beeyotch :2fingers:


Even more reason for me to see this movie:
