New Years plans

You lost me…



:rofl: :rofl: :owned: :kiss:

If you say so… I still don’t get it…

Let don explain it, behind closed doors :kekegay:

I’m sure he will… :cool:

pssssst little lower please :kekegay:

You guys are all perverts… hahahaha

There’s no cleavage there…

Going home now… good night

Good night and have a safe trip home, seriously its wicked out there with the Holiday drivers :bash::frowning:

she’s only about 2miles away

Hurry up hide the PORN !!!

leaving now.

god dammit… not again

ill be up sevensprings with the old lady… and her friend… so i got a spare chic with me if somone’s in the area.! haha ill pawn her off!

i may take you up on that

taking leftover girls from someone who likes fords and mazdas = :greddy:

j/k :smiley:

I have my standards

im good at fucking whores. just find the slightly plump girl thats with all hot girls. That girl would fuck anything that gave her the time of day. The only hard part is knowing where to draw the line. Where “slightly plump” ends and “t hats a HUUUUUGE Bitch!” begins can be tough to determine when properly inebriated. Also, if there is any question as to whether or not she may be too fat to admit to fucking the next day, you do not want to parade her into your dorm room and then come out a few minutes later asking your fraternity brothers condoms.