im not smarter than anyone. but this is how i would approach i if i had to teach someone or help the masses.
teach people to be smarter. this means no jersey shore and more documentaries. etc
if people can use the knowledge to their advantage they wouldnt risk the text while driving in the first place.
if they respect others they wouldnt risk us for a text. etc
morals are key.
just because a piece of paper says dont rape, murder, steal, does that stop a bad person who doesnt care?
i feel stoping the person from becoming bad is the answer. you can make people good. simple things like having a person to talk to, eating a good meal or having something to do can prevent things that are bad.
if you can id the bad and try to improove them instead of teling them not to do something it will work out better. the eariler you start the better off the person will be.
people are complex but you can easily effect someone. you have the choice weather it be positive or negitive. just remember more good people is a better thing.
unless you own a prison and are a cop you dont want bad people. thats how prisions profit… most prison owners would rather see a full jail then a empty one. with a busisness perspective you would understand.