New York State wide ban on texting while driving

gooood… my coworkers wife suffered alot of pain and damage because some kid was using his laptop and crashed into her and get this got zero tickets!! its not against the law to use a laptop while driving

Pitman, its the easy way out thats killing this country. Its easier to bandaid the effect than it is to reconstruct and remediate the cause.

NYS computers get virus’s, so what do we do… we put anti-virus software on them which just searches for and removes defined virus’ already infected on a machine. Firewalls, port monitoring, website scanning, proxy filtering, etc… fuck all that stuff its all in the background its not in the forefront so nobody cares. Instead of heading off the problems before they exist, we let them in and deal with it after the fact.

SAME concept with everything shitty with this state and country. Simple retards only see what hits them in the face. Dudes on a cell phone blows a light and kills someone. Phones fault, its gotta be. Low and behold its his 40th failure to obey a traffic device ticket, cant see without his glasses which he left at home, and thought his Farmville was more important than controlling his car. But its easier to point the blame at the car, instead at the individuals mental and physical ability to pilot an automobile.

reckless driving. obstruction of view. following too close. failure to obey a traffic device.

plenty of laws he broke. Problem was just as you said, he got away with it.

I was only using the laptop while stuck at red lights like the one on 9w at the thruway ramp that takes all eternity.

did you hit anyone?

no, was I supposed to?

no thats my point. No harm no foul.


So punishing people for failing to take personal responsibility for their actions is a bad thing that’s killing this country??

Yeah… I can’t agree.

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Not the greatest logic here. Theres plenty of people who make it home safely from driving buzzed/drunk every weekend…until the one time they dont. Im not saying texting is a bad as driving drunk just pointing out that your prior success is not an indicator that it is a safe activity.


Sent from my iPhone while operating a motor vehicle

I’m not denying that it isn’t safe. It’s not. But neither is 100 other things we do behind the wheel like pick our nose, change the radio station, look at the navigation screen to see the map, look in the rear view mirror (hell, in that split second, something in front of you could happen). We ALL do things that could be ‘bad’. My point is that A LOT of things are as dangerous or more dangerous than texting. Punishing the entire population due to the inability of some (I wouldn’t even say majority) of people to multi-task even remotely behind the wheel is stupid. It’s an attempt to increase revenue behind the facade of ‘safety’. Just like tint tickets and license plate tickets. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it :lol.

oooo no the world is not safe… nerf the world. make it safer by telling people what they cant do.

dont prevent it just tell them not to do it and charge money.

this doesnt seem like a solution to me.

Well Einstein, how you would prevent it without laws and fining people? Ill love to hear this.

You know what his answer is. Let everyone be responsible for themselves and responsible for their own protection/needs. Anarchy if you will.

im not smarter than anyone. but this is how i would approach i if i had to teach someone or help the masses.

teach people to be smarter. this means no jersey shore and more documentaries. etc

if people can use the knowledge to their advantage they wouldnt risk the text while driving in the first place.

if they respect others they wouldnt risk us for a text. etc

morals are key.

just because a piece of paper says dont rape, murder, steal, does that stop a bad person who doesnt care?

i feel stoping the person from becoming bad is the answer. you can make people good. simple things like having a person to talk to, eating a good meal or having something to do can prevent things that are bad.

if you can id the bad and try to improove them instead of teling them not to do something it will work out better. the eariler you start the better off the person will be.

people are complex but you can easily effect someone. you have the choice weather it be positive or negitive. just remember more good people is a better thing.

unless you own a prison and are a cop you dont want bad people. thats how prisions profit… most prison owners would rather see a full jail then a empty one. with a busisness perspective you would understand.

you dont know what my answer is before i tell you wtf. clean the sand out of your arse


Without even dissecting the rest of the post let me explain something elementary to you…

It’s not the piece of paper that stops people from rape murder and stealing, the laws on that piece of paper have consequences to your well being and future if disobeyed and caught.

Without laws and punishment there is no negative reinforcement behind doing those things.

Case and point - being an asshole. We see them everyday everywhere, in front of you at a register with 40 items when there is a 10 or less limit, walking around with speaker on their phone being loud and obnoxious, cutting you off in traffic with no blinker etc. Its not illegal to be an asshole and there is absolutely nothing that stops of will ever change these people.

“Teach them to be smarter”. Thanks for the laugh of the day. :rofl

You can’t teach people to be smarter. Knowledge can be acquired, but intelligence is something we are born with and cannot be changed.

/shift518 psychology lesson


You can teach a person that killing another will end you up in jail.

But if they are to stupid to understand that it’s not worth it, you can’t help them.

Morals are laws without any consiquences behind them other than promise of “damnation” on the religious side.

Obviously they aren’t working too well. Not to mention morals aren’t universal across all human cultures.
