New York State wide ban on texting while driving

It’s more dangerous to drive 10 under than 10 over I feel.

i actually wrote a paper my senior year of high school on it. the speed limit should be 75 everywhere if speed limits were set to be safest. i no longer have the paper so i can’t give sources, but studies show without speed limits the avg speed of drivers is 75, and some people will never pay attention to speed limits and that speed variance, not speeding causes accidents; so if highways had the safest speed limits they would be set at 75. pretty sure i got an A or 100 on it, it was hs that shit was cake.

It’s harder for me to change CD’s than text. If you don’t wanna look like a boob so you don’t wear your bluetooth all the time, it’s also harder to look for that thing while your phone is ringing than text.

Almost every time I get yanked for speeding I’m always In the low to mid 70 range lol


Make it 100 points, or mandatory suspension of license for 6 months… if caught texting and CAUSEING AN ACCIDENT OR CAUSING YOU TO COMMIT ANOTHER V&TL VIOLATION.

AKA make it a fucking secondary offense, like it was initially written up as.

Meaning, if you are not completely retarded and can hold a steering wheel in one hand, and control your 2 fucking feet correctly, text, call, change stations, jerk off, whatever the fuck you want to do you should be able to do when it isn’t causing harm to others or yourself.

If you cross the yellow line, dip into the shoulder, blow a red light, speed, or crash into a bus stopped ahead of you, WHILE TEXTING/TALKING you get BOTH TICKETS! One was the cause, one was the effect.

Cuomo has such a “I want to be president” hard on he thinks whatever mindless laws he puts in place will magically make people stop fucking up. You can’t, and won’t ever, change or stop stupid… ONLY remediate it after stupid happens.

^ agreed.

Side note I have a friend who said he’d jerk off while driving cross country late at night to keep himself awake. I have interesting friends.

hahahahah wow

I want to get one of those giant cardboard 5’ tall Nokia 900 cell phones used for kiosks at the malls… drive around top down on the camaro with that to the side of my head and see what happens.

Or a bunch of the fake ones used in display cases. Drive right next to a cop looking him in the eyes while holding it up and singging along to the radio. Then hand it to him when you get pulled over!


Haha I don’t know if you ever saw that show “trigger happy tv” from years ago but there was a skit with a guy with a huge cellphone that he would just scream into having conversations in public on golf courses and shit. Reminds me of that.

yeahhh thats what I am talking about! Troll the FUCK out of the cops with it!

Better yet, stage a rally around the capital… get like 200 cars to just do laps around the capital bumper to bumper with fake phones to their ears.

It would be awesome. Or drive around with a giant map open blowing around all over the place. Be like “cuomo says I can’t use my phones GPS this is safer”


<rant=“If you disagree with me and think I’m dumb for using my phone while driving, good for you”>

Good thing you added that last part. Like slwrthnu, I don’t care what people say about me and using my phone while driving, fact of the matter is that in 10 years, I have not had a SINGLE issue while using my phone. I don’t do it on twisty roads because that just isn’t safe. But on the highway or a straight road? Come on! It has not impaired my ability to drive at all. Why? Because unlike half the idiots on the road, I can handle eating a burger, drinking a soda, changing the radio station, picking my nose, inputting an address into my navigation, etc. while driving. Honestly, texting is not hard. Hell, I basically have my QWERTY keyboard memorized with the help of Swype and/or Swift Key (for those of you with smartphones who don’t know what those are - check them out). And if you have an old school flip phone with T9 word? That crap is even easier to text on. I can type a whole paragraph without looking at the damn thing.

Anyway, the exact thing happened to me (your post scenario).

I got stopped on 87 near the Central Ave exit a few years ago when this law first came to fruition and I told the cop point blank to his face that he can’t give me a ticket for it because I 1) wasn’t speeding (no, really, I was doing 55) 2) didn’t swerve or do anything else like that and 3) wasn’t talking on the phone (I was actually getting directions to the new Olive Garden in Clifton Park). I was just holding it in my hand. He went back to his car for 25 minutes (I’m assuming to read his handy book or research the law) and came back with his tint meter. JUST so he could give me the texting/phone one as a secondary offense, he made my tints on the Maxima the primary offense.

That is the only time I have ever been a dick or talked back to a cop/trooper. The reason why I have a spotless record today is because usually I am nothing but civil with them, turning my car off, putting all my windows down, having my paperwork ready to go, polite attitude, etc. Hell, I’ve pulled over to the side before they even turned around a couple times (like last sunday when I saw the cop tap his breaks - got a tint ticket in New Scotland). Usually I get little minor tickets due to my good attitude with them. That cop though, was a complete dick and deserved it.

I will never tint another one of my cars for those exact reasons. And from doing ride alongs and having cop friends… thats their #1 excuse to pull someone over and look for more shit going on.

I wouldn’t have a problem with half the laws they put out if they were honest for their reasoning and were actually in MY best interest as a citizen. Meaning, if this shit is for MY safety being on the road, then allow me to continue being safe and dont remove my lifestyle choices away from me. Focus on taking care of the complete idiots out there.

Its very simple. Laws are there to Serve and Protect. Serve, as in you broke a law and have to pay the price. Protect, as in people about to be harmful to themselves or others have the law as their one last chance to rethink the consequences to their actions. Thats really it.

Removing simple actions like talking and driving, is actually making society dumber in a way, because its a skillset that isnt being honed. If they put a law out saying parallel parking is no illegal, people would slowly forget how to do it right. Absolutely stupid example but you get my point.

Society is on a downward spiral, government can’t legislate morality. If people don’t care enough to follow a law they wont, consequences are irrelevant. Put some power and ability to morally choose our own paths in life back into our hands, and let the strong survive. There are WAY more smart and responsible people out there than crooks, vigilantes’ and douchebags out there, we can police ourselves to an extent this way much better than some dumb points system and a fine.

You aren’t kidding. I’ve been stopped two times where they wanted to see if I was drinking/something else. Due to my good attitude, typically, towards the police and the fact that I don’t drink/smoke anything…they always let me go with a warning for my tint because they never find/smell/see anything else. Both times were after sporting events. One at the TUC (Albany vs Siena) and one when I was coming home from a UAlbany game at SEFCU Arena.

im so terrible with this. my phone is always in my hand, whether its texting, fb, or music. and i drive for a living. -_- whenever i have a close call i always throw my phone down and tell myself im done. then 5 mins later its back in my hand. I got rearended, pushed into oncoming traffic and t-boned, 3 years ago bc this guy was texting, totaled my car. Im lucky i wasnt injured at ALL.

I see now they have a car out that shuts off your network when the car is on. thats a good idea! As much as i woul hate it.

or you can get a Ford with Sync that allows you to talk thru your car. I know Kia has a similar system.

Still no texting though.

I was using my laptop in traffic today.

/pjb :rofl

Exactly why it makes zero sense these laws. You are completing the exact same action one way or another. If you sync to the car and just hold your epmty hand to your damn ear, how is that any different than talking through the phone than a mic and speakers in your car???

If the sync could text that would be awesome! keyboard on the touch screen, maybe even a heads up display on the windshield you you dont even need to look away, voice to text. send it.


I think it can read you texts. Not sure if it will send them though. I wanna get a chalk eraser or something and hold it up to my ear to troll the police. Say I have some weird sensory issue where the feeling of felt on my ear calms me down haha.

it doesnt matter how many laws they pass, it doesnt matter how many things they tell you to do and not. there will always be a dumbass driver that some how recieved a license. or just a dumbass driver with no license.

i feel there are too many dumb drivers out there… thats the only reason we have laws like this.

i can make roads safer with a simple request. take the licenses of dumb people. take keys from dumb people.

i have been in multiple accidents where the dumb driver says they didnt see me? wtf and ny gave them a license.

germany and japan have the best roads and drivers.

also whens the next law coming out telling me i can do something? instead of telling me something i cant do.