New York State wide ban on texting while driving

I’ve become a text whore too but no one is going to stop or even decrease the amount the text while driving. The talking on your cell law didnt stop anyone from doing it either.

Thank you.

It’s all about the cash money.

Depends on the county, small counties wont issue any, I believe Schenectady still has yet to issue one and

No texting tickets issued yet

Since the Oneida County Board of Legislators passed a resolution more than three months ago banning the practice of text messaging while driving, the majority of the county’s major law enforcement agencies haven’t written tickets for those breaking the law.


Officials: Policing texting difficult

Starting next month, New York will become the 18th state to ban texting while driving, a habit that many local officials say will be difficult to police and even more difficult to deter, particularly among young people.
Cell phone usage while driving has been illegal for several years, but that does little to deter many drivers, said Amsterdam Police Chief Thomas Brownell. Brownell said he is in favor of the impending texting law.
“Laws like this, you have to be kind of mindless not to see it as necessary,” he said. “Add the ridiculous factor of looking at a texting screen and it’s beyond belief that people do it.”
Brownell said his department regularly issues cell phone use tickets and often responds to accidents in which cell phone use is a contributing factor.
“We have had numerous accidents with people playing on their cell phones, and the next thing you know they’ve crossed the yellow line,” he said.
Catching people who are texting or talking on a cell phone is difficult because when people see a patrol car, they instinctively pull the phone below their dash where it’s not visible. If a driver doesn’t admit to being on a cell phone prior to an accident, it’s hard to prove the cell phone contributed to the crash, Brownell said.


New York City Police issues 7,529 tickets in 1 day for improper mobile phone use

= $$$$$

Exactly… Why doesnt NYS just be honest for once.

Hello everyone I need money. Now I know you all HAVE to register your cars each year, so I am going to raise that to get more of your money. I also think it is time to make you change all of your license plates, so you need to buy these from me too. Since everyone uses a cell phone now, i am going to say no you cant and ticket you for it. And just a heads up, we are also imposing a masterbation tax… every time you rub one out we are going to charge you a dollar. Becasue I know Shift 518 members will make me alot of money with that new tax.

I’m just gonna start riding my bicycle everywhere ha ha, but honestly if people actually started doing that they’d end up creating new laws calling for mandatory bike registration for a nominal fee most likely.

It’s all about the money. How many times have I said that already? :rofl

Everything in this country/world is run by money…even the ‘safety’ laws.

Hey the it’s a people - elected government.

If enough people aren’t happy, start a revolution.

Country started because of over taxation.

Zombie thread revived!

Texting-while-driving violations in NY to go from 3 to 5 points on license


ALBANY — Penalties for texting while driving will increase from three points to five points on a person’s license starting Saturday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Friday.Cuomo said the state needs to further crack down on texting-while-driving offenses as more drivers, particularly young people, are distracted because they drive and look at their mobile devices.
“The issue of texting while driving is a chronic problem in society, and it is unfortunately getting worse,” Cuomo said at a news conference in Manhattan.


fucking 5 points holy shit

same number of people will die, NYS and Ins companies will just get more money along the way

wait, it was already 3? lol still don’t give a fuck. i will continue to text and drive all day long.

btw the most recent studies showed that young people text and drive less then older (not old) people. but the study also only focused on people stopped at red lights cause it was too difficult to do while moving lmao.

According to a trooper interviewed in the TU a couple weeks ago, texting while stopped at a light is legal.

oh realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hmmmm

everything’s illegal while driving, all they have to do is write you a distracted driving ticket.

btw i’m not sure if im serious or not.

I got screamed at by a cop for talking on my cell phone while stopped in traffic because the road was blocked by an accident. He was a dick about it.

Edit, found it:

Larkin said it is illegal to look at a cellphone for any reason while the car is in motion. People who pull out their phones while stopped at traffic lights are not breaking the law, he said.
“When the vehicle is in motion, that’s when it’s illegal,” he said.

to look at lmao, that just proves that cops make up laws. how are you suppose to know if someone is looking at there phone, what if my phone is in front of my speedometer, illegal to check my speed…sweet.

I play with my ipod while driving to change songs but thats perfectly legal it seems

they will prob try to make it illegal to change songs with anything but steering wheel controls at some point. all i say is fuck them, i also don’t care that i speed on the highway because speed limits are made low to make money not save lives.