Again, such a simple theory with so many holes in it. Here is another slight distraction, changing the station on the radio. Sure it only takes a few seconds to do, but it only takes a few seconds for an accident to happen, right? I agree with the “your a hazzard to your self and those around you”. You want to make an impact on SAFTEY on the roads, start ticketing people for old school basic fucking common sense. Dont be a dick and cut people off (failure to yield the right of way 2 pts moving violation), dont hammer your shit box under a yellow/red light just to come to a dead stop at the next light 100 feet ahead (charging a traffic device 2 pts moving violation), rolling a stop sign (failure to obey a traffic device 2 pts moving violation)… I could go on and on. I guaranfuckingtee you will spot way more of this going on that someone talking/texting on their cell phone. Those are what kill people too.
Make the kiddy driving test harder too. My younger family members cant drive for shit and have already had bone headed accidents… yet they pass with flying colors.
Retest drivers… Heres the idea, every 5 years you are retested. if you fail you MUST pay $XX to retake your license test. Your license gets put on a suspension list and if you dont retake/get better at driving in say 30 day you loose it! BINGO. They make money from the retests and all the un licenses drivers that were too crappy to pass. AND guess what the roads will be safer!:retardclap
Wernt these the retards to got hit HEAD ON by a truck becasue they went the WRONG way down the ramp??? I remember that happened a few months ago… I am sorry but if you drive the fucking wrong way down an interstate ramp you shouldnt be behind a wheel, let alone a cell phone. ROOT CAUSE PEOPLE, FIND THEM.