Newman's 1986 BMW 326rb build thread.

I was in houston for the past week, and i’m moving. Back on it tuesday.

how many times have you said youve moved in this thread? lol

cant wait to see some updates on this.

if anyone knows where to get these fuckers.someone pm me.i cant find then anywhere

innovative can get them.


when the f*ck did we get ice cream


cant wait to see this finished! keep up the good work!

Car should have some new stuff from my shell remains this week :tup:

ugh I want to race you already! Hurry up and finish this pig.

After looking at it last night, the transmission might interfere with the passenger seat.

No rides.


sweet only drives, i dig it.

no its ok, just dont use the transmission I think we all want rides!:tinfoilhat:

can i ride on the roof?

I may have spoken too soon…

hurry the f up already!


Hows the project going…

holler at me for free help.

we are trying to get it primed by tonight!