newman's secret: so pink


th HIDs are pretty rose colored. But not too much dimmer. The thing you cant tell from the pics is that the film is “sparkly”…

i’m still on the fence, i need to wash it, then decide.


"I think? I mean, that sounds ga- I just want you to know this is like the first conversation of like three conversations that leads to you being gay. Like… there’s this and then in a year it’s like, “Oh you know, I kinda wanna, ya know, get back out there but I think I like guys” and then there’s the big, “Oh I’m I’m a g-gay guy now”.



"I think? I mean, that sounds ga- I just want you to know this is like the first conversation of like three conversations that leads to you being gay. Like… there’s this and then in a year it’s like, “Oh you know, I kinda wanna, ya know, get back out there but I think I like guys” and then there’s the big, “Oh I’m I’m a g-gay guy now”.





I’d keep it, just because people think its gay. I’d keep it.

I wana see the light pattern at night. Matches the STI badging pretty well. Where did you get the film from and how much was it?

they sell them on ebay for like $20

front shot is :tif:

3/4 shot is :tdown: too pink.

clearing the lenses might help, but meh.

no no no yellow is hott pink is not F for Failure

dunno if anyone’s mentioned it, but i’d be afraid of getting shit from the cops

aside from it not looking so hot. meh, hello kitty was cool, but this just isn’t.


Its ballin, and you know you love it…

Looks ok in the pictures, matches the fog light covers/sti badge but if it’s like sparkly or glittery then I don’t know…

the pink kicks ass keep it

Why not get some pink vinyl to cover up the rear turn signals and the lip of the wheels and pink window tint…pink your ride.

Not a fan.

if you where a chick it would be ok- but ONLY a chick could rock it in a good way.

be more funny

night pics?!?!?!?

newman is: Pretty in pink

Im not sure if its just because my headlights are yellowed, but
I think yellow makes headlights look fugly.

Especially in case of the Power rangers


Im not sure if its just because my headlights are yellowed, but
I think yellow makes headlights look fugly.

Especially in case of the Power rangers


glad you like the guy pink ranger thats kinda :gay2: