next fall im all done

Thanks sean

Thanks Adam

i will let ya know kenny ,we will need a band im sure :lol

ummmmmmmmmmmmm i dont recall sayin giraffes were allowed ,although the kids may need some sort of entertainment

Hey, thanks john

hahahahaha… soooo much win


But we still need to build some sort of flammable yacht to celebrate Christopher Columbus


fuck chris columbis ,just burn pjb,s mustang shit his motor has been in longer and mine has more miles on it

Thanks anyways Andre3000.

Ive got insurance.
Actually its got some miles on it besides the 5 I put on. He drives it sometimes.

Ok we can burn PJB’s ride so he has some thing new to cry about

Like I said Ive got insurance. Ill get paid and have one less headache.

let me get this right ,he drives your car more than you ? :wtf

now back on topic ill let ya guys know when all the shit is hittin the fan as far as wedding goes

You’ll get paid KKB which is about $1,679CAD

You better Sasquatch

Yeah, he drives it to work, to the grocery store, Dunkin Donuts, takes the kids for rides, etc.

oh i will

Ive got receipts