next fall im all done

I am involved in every aspect as I want to be. I didn’t realize how many details there really are.

i was only iddin ,we both only want a small wedding with fanily only but a huge party afterwords nuttin extravagant and alll that shit .thats why i love the girl lolol

Nice. We are having about 150. Definately go with the Martini bar. :slight_smile:


Actually, I’ve been quite a bit faster. Ask Cossey.

But, 150 people.

John and I drinking in the same house = the old man having heart attack!!! lol

Congrats John !! took me alomost 11 yrs to agree to marrying !!lol

congrats John!

hopefully i can redeem myself at said burnout contest

Congrats, sir!

i smell a bad idea.

someone say burnouts!!! OH I AM IN!!! :thumbup

Congrats man

congrats man.

can i have the address to the shop now?

how the fuck did i miss this thread?!?!?!?!? how the fuck has jess put up with you this long yet alone being married to u big fuckin kid? ne ways congrats, and i better be invited to the after party

hey congrats man!!!

congrats john!!! def. down for a hell of a party after!

welp party is over john…30+ pds and a minivan for you!!..j/k…congradts hope the best for you guys…

ni99a please ,it will be a good party ill still act like a giant 8 yr old and still win every fight at home

He’s got two kids and 30 extra pounds already and still no minivan.

this wedding is gonna suck