Nietzsches tonight...

Hey guys, my band is up first tonight at a fundraiser show at Nietzsches for the Infringement fest. So get there a little before 10. (we play at 10 sharp)

It’s $5, all proceeds go to the fest.

Come to the show and we can talk geeky about e30 bimmers.

what kind of music?

I’m no longer in the metal band you hated so much, I quit that a while back. :slight_smile:

It’s an indie band, sorta quirky. We’ve been described as post punk with disco influence?! Anyhow, not for everyone…

damnit newman broadway joes has cooler e30 talk at their fundraiser haha

btw i have a funny story for you

No way, Nietzsches e30 talk will be :party2:

i’m 30 seconds into the first song on your myspace page and this is 758437593 times more awesome than DIZPLAZED. (i had to search your old posts to find out what you were talking about) It reminds me of Q&notU.

Cool, yeah, that’s one of our influences.

I never really considered myself part of displaced, i sat in for them 5 million times at different times over three years when they kept switching up drummers…

I want to talk geeky about E30s, but I think 190s are more rad.

you guys sound pretty tight

Thanks! Hopefully we still sound tight tonight since we’re playing all new songs…!