ninja Skills

Got bored and made a vid of myself playin around with my nunchucks…kinda shitty but eh…maybe I’ll make a better one. I was goin kinda slow cuz I didnt wanna hit anything in my living room lol.

Explore tallywhacker

not bad … but you know the harassment is gonna happen …

next time hit the dog a few times … if need be … come here and hit mine …

you need to work on using your left hand more.

EDIT: dork :stuck_out_tongue:

eh idc about the harassment…it was just fucking around. Those nunchucks are solid wood and very heavy, so its hard to really do much with them. If I had some aluminum ones I can do much better.

Edit: I’m right handed, my left hand is about as useless as tits on a bull.

Explore tallywhacker

I made another with the lights on lol. God damnit I’m bored!


+420 karma if you hit the camera

lol yeah right my old man would shoot me… its his camera.

you are such a …



i was atleast hoping u’d hit ur self in the nuts or something but no… ur a total dissapointment :frowning:

Too bad you don’t have a bo staff and love star wars…

+10 for gay!

ha i like it

still need a pickle fork? lol i found it

Come say that when I got my nunchucks in hand lol j/k. C’mon man I was just havin some fun…Not everybody waches gay porn to kill time like yourself.

that is the gayest most immature/adolesant thing i have ever seen…how old are you again?:picard:

Dude had some time on his hands and had a little fun in his living room, how is that immature? Should he come on a forum to tell people they are gay? Is that the correct method of having fun?

This thread is just filled with comedy!

Jeg is getting his massive nunchucks skills like kip.

also note the ture story behind this was: jeg was sick of masterbating for the 40th time that day; decided to pick up a pair of nunchucks insted of reading the weekly digest:" to build up your carb for that 305." and thought that was just plain old toilet reading. that is where he ended up today.

True story. I was beating my cock like I cought it breaking into my house and I said to myself "this is getting old, and reading is for chumps and commies…I’m gonna make a sweet nunchuck vid!

actually not bad

lol @ the photobucket name