no honda show?

got an email today saying there no more honda show coming up. wtf?

nooo wayyyy…i love that showw

I wonder the politics behind this one.

you mean the great Keeler ricebowl? :lol

someone find a pic of his elcipse ^ :runaway

They canceled it cause they heard my car was running :ninja

Damn and I was going to bring 2 cars :headbang

Just emailed them to see if it was canceled. Nothing on there web site saying it has been.


check their myspace

They canceled it because I sold my car, and wont be attending it… (well, thats what I think)


The reply from Keeler:

Yes, unfortunately we did have to cancel this year’s show. We will be bringing it back next year however so check our website next March for more details.


Wendy Lawrence

Assistant Marketing Director

Keeler Motor Car Company

P 518.724.1015 ext. 146

F 518.220.9694

That slut!

Screw it… make your own fun. Take over a random parking garage or parking lot somewhere…

go park at keeler anyways… F the man!!!

Yeah! Let’s see Wendy come out and do something about it! :lol