No Limit Inc. Car Club - Bedford PA. Respect Few. Fear None.


ha ha just looked at this for the 5th time and realized that the mom has a full sleeve of tats

good thing they are incorporated.

“Coming to a Sheetz near you.”

damn it they took my slogan…wtf i had the rights to that… now I have to make up something different!

damn how do i get in that car club that kia is sick lol what bombs …

no limits to how shity your car can be and still think its cool :rofl::reloading

No Limits LLC?

i get giddy thinking of what the DBA would be.

Looks Like Crap

why is it that the car club drama shit starts in august?

Probably anticipation of a long winter kicking in.

That MYL stuff was funny. :slight_smile:

Wonder why that kid hasn’t posted on Pittspeed anymore? :rofl:





I’m scurred now, they’re only 45 minutes from me lulz.

Relax…it’s ok…they’re at least an hour and a half away in those. Maybe more if the hood scoop gets clogged up.

haha I’m gonna have to remember to avoid driving on 30 through bedford at all costs when I head east. I typically take the turnpike to breezewood but once in awhile I drive through town. scary.