clearing up the air maybe?

Recently I overheard about a topic on here where my club was being spoken about. Now here is a quick background on me, just to support that I am not doing this to start anymore problems, but to clear the air.

Join Date 03-17-2004 Total Posts 106. With that said, I am not a post whore, or shit stirrer. Im 29, and will accept that I may be considered an “old head”. I am the Co- Founder of Exceeding Limits Truck Club, and the Founder and President of the Pittsburgh Pa chapter.

Originally Posted by BigMack_Srt8 thats because your hanging out with the wrong group at miracle mile. Old heads ftw. Twisted expressions ,that other group , and Exceeding the limits ftl. Welcome to the forum. Dont let them paint your car. They have ruined a couple already

Elaborate please?

Originally Posted by IK Gamex
Lol I just hang out with a bunch of my friends in their trucks. Nobody I know really considers themselves a group. But I’m glad that now I know who to stay away from.
Originally Posted by BigMack_Srt8
that would be exceeding the limits truck club

again, I am just wondering why the bad reputation is being stated.

Originally Posted by BigMack_Srt8
the limit of how shitty your truck can be and still think its sick. There is only like 1 nice s10 and 1 diesel that is ok. Other than that there is like 30 other shitty trucks with stickers and exhausts. There is this one kid in a old ass green nissan 4 cyl that drives everywhere it sounds like in first gear. Its quite rediculous,

First and foremost, the nissan has no affilation with my club.
There is no diesel that is a member of my club, and the nice S-10? Jus curious as to which one you think is nice with the previous negative comments.

Also I would like to add. The Pittsburgh Chapter of Exceeding Limits has only 13 members, and maybe about 4 or 5 probationary/ prospective members. Any other Truck car or suv, that has a sticker on it, or a person wearing a shirt are a supporter of our club. Kinda like the sticker that alot of members on here have on their vehicle, jus like the one that is on my toolbox.

And lastly (as if this isnt long enough).
Anyone that knows myself or my club members will agree that we will go out of our way to help out anyone that asks, or needs it. We support the local scene and take pride in how we represent the club, and the scene. We have a good reputation, and a negative reputation is not an option. If you have a personal problem with one of my members, ok. But there is no need to trash a club that has never done anything wrong to you. My guys/girls will not do this to anyone.

So I jus wondered if we can clear the air on this?



car clubs suck

ill elaborate for you. If you read the first post he said he hung out up miracle mile and he said he didnt think anyone knew what they were talking about with cars. I had to clue him in on the different spots at the mile. You guys have your spot, twisted impressions has there spot, and the people who actually like going fast have the spot right next to taco bell.He said he hung out with a bung of friends with trucks. That right there would cause me to believe he was talking about you guys and i said o thats exceeding the limits truck club (pa chapter). I will apologize to you because i thought the green truck was part of your club. I figured since it was “always” parked with you guys that it would have been". Also there is a nice diesel that always parks over with you guys. The blue s10 that has the exceeding the limits sticker is pretty nice. I actually have a sick picture of it.

Turf war. What is the hand signs to stay away from ???

he is friends with someone, but (and i feel bad for saying this) he knows my name but i have no clue what his is.

and i appreciate the fact that you are straight foreward, and im sure that you and alot of people on this site will agree with me that a bad reputation is not needed. and that is my point of stopping the lurking from time to time, and opening my mouth.

I kinda wondered about this anyhow, cause you have commented and complimented me on my truck, which made me wonder about the paint comment?

Hug it out bitches

car “clubs” :hsugh:
I cant beleive there is such thing as probationary/ prospective members… what exactly do they have to do to be considered actual “members” ?

to show particuipation, and involvement. we all work together building trucks and what not. you dont just get a logo cause you want to be a part, ya know

so if people help you and others on your trucks they will be considered “members” afterwards then rewarded with a sticker? :kekegay:

no disrespect sloR/T, but even the kid who drives a neon with racing stripes thinks car clubs are gay.

everyone makes it sound like I put the stripes on there… lol

Stock :asshole

lol I know, I know. I just couldn’t resist.

I have nothing to add, so here’s a funny picture

are you bob with the two toned truck? If so i didnt even remember your truck was in etl. There is now 2 nice s10s that i see up the mile in that group. i have seen some pretty horrible multi colored/primered s10’s with the sticker on them also. In every car/truck group there is always a couple that are not as nice as the rest. Also like i said i apologize for thinking those 2 trucks were in exceeding the limits because i figured since they were with you guys all the time they were in it.


betta watch da fuck out

ROFL @ car “clubs” sitting in a parking lot. :ugh:


Wow, you’re the founder AND President? Holy shit you are important!! Do you have ANY idea how queer that makes you sound?

Car clubs are fucking gay. lowered trucks are fucking gay. People that want to be in a car club are fucking gay. The trifecta of faggishness. Congratulations, you’re the President and founder of the perfect storm of queer.