That sucks
Fucking people complaining… they bitch about everything.
lame, not suprised tho… people suck
That’s small in size compared to cruise nights around here. But is there any parking lots or facilities out there that can house a lot of cars and people?
I have some pics hosted on from this cruise.
:tdown: to complainers. There were some sweet cars there
Crystal Cove is not SMALL compared to the cruise nights around here. While that article says 200 cars and 600 spectators. It was 200 cars in the “show” lot. There were 3 other parking lots FULL of people. It had become a HUGE event.
that just figures. i wondered how they pulled that “gathering off”. with the pics ive seen in the past. it had to grow to silly numbers of people.
Thumbs down to complainers. “i like my quiet crazy over priced beach front property.”
Wow, this really sucks. Crystal Cove was HUGE. I have yet to see anything in WNY come even remotely close.
It wasn’t just cars, it was bikes too. And it wasn’t your everyday EVO/STi. I’m talking an entire lot of SUPERCARS, old vintage cars that are probably worth more each than an entire cul de sac (sp?) of upscale Amherst houses. Stuff you would never see normally otherwise.
Crystal Cove may never be duplicated again for some time. I hope they find a new spot.
Unfortunetly from what I hear, Irvine CO. owns most of the real estate in the area. They are trying to find a new location but it looks like the closest stuff they can find is almost an hour away and nowhere near as good of a location. :tdown: The 14th is the last day, they are trying to top August last year (Mercedes Gullwing, SLR, 4 CGT’s, Enzo, McLaren F1, Shelby Series one, 3 F40’s, and 10 Ford GT’s). I’ll post pics when I see them.
Exactly. They may have a hard time finding something in central Orange County since the Irivine Co. owns a good part of it. It sucks, but I’m surprised it went that long considering the people in Newport, haha.