No More Drinking & Driving For Toyota Owners (UPDATE: Now ALL Makes?)

anyone who thinks that putting a speed governor on a car, is comparable to stopping drunk drivers is a fucking moron

speeding does not kill nearly as many ppl as drunk driving. so according to ur theories we should just let ppl drink and drive and they should take responsibility for their actions??

what if they fucking kill someone guys?? what if they kill one of ur relatives.

if i told you that ur parents were killed by drunk drivers, and that the driver lived, but hes going to jail for a few years, would u feel thats justice? i sure as shit wouldnt.

now if ur parents go out for a nice night on the town, and dont get struck by a drunk driver because that driver wasnt able to get his car out of the lot. u wouldnt think anything of it, you would never know that maybe some shit could have gone down. all because toyota decided to do something nice for innocent ppl’s safety

i understand that how u guys feel, ppl suing over spilt coffee is dumb. ppl SHOULD take responsibility for their actions. but even if they do take responsibility, it doesnt change the fact they may have killed someone.