No More Drinking & Driving For Toyota Owners (UPDATE: Now ALL Makes?)

Those of you arguing that its a bad idea because you want to make your own decisions, its an impaired decision you’re making that they’re trying to stop. If you decide while completely sober that you’re going to drive drunk tonight and kill someone there’d be a difference. For the most part people that cause accidents while speeding are sober. The argument you’re making is between a sober decision and an impaired decision. You’re saying you want the choice to make an impaired decision. I don’t agree but thats just me. If your friend is so drunk he can barely stand but he decides he wants to get into his car and drive and you’re standing there stone sober are you going to let him? If you say no then you’re contradicting yourself by saying that you want to make your own decisions. Thats what the government and Toyota are trying to do, just may need some refinement on their way of doing it.