No More Drinking & Driving For Toyota Owners (UPDATE: Now ALL Makes?)

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what a surprise, if speeding is so much more of a problem then why isnt the punishment harsher

DISCLAIMER: im drunk, i rode the LIRR as well as taxis tonight

an average of one alcohol-related fatality every 31 minutes.

an average of one person injured approximately every 2 minutes.

those quotes come from 66impalass’ source(the second one, first is a dead link).

and u guys say that jailtime is enough, lol

attacking me about spelling is getting lame MPD, its the fuckin internet, not a god damn research paper.i nstead of doing that, make another suggestion for fixing these statistics

i wasn’t talking about your spelling at all, actually - that doesn’t matter to me much, at least. it was more seeing how you took it right to an elementary level in previous arguments concluding in essentially saying that whoever didn’t see eye to eye with you was just stupid, or a fucking moron - or what have you. that seemed completely unnecessary and took credibility from otherwise valid points.

Why arent punishments more severe? Are you really that stupid? Do you not realize that our government churns out unqualified person after unqualifed person onto the public roadways because it’s a money making proposition? Licensing, registration, tickets, which then raise your insurance, insurance companies that help pay for training and new equiptment for police agencies. Why? Because it’s a money making proposition, it PAYS to keep you on the road. Why do you think 95% of politicians stay in office? You think it’s because they want to “help” no, it’s about the money, like most every other aspect in life. If you havent realized this yet, please, open your eyes.

No I am attacking you because you are missing a large point in civil liberties here, if they do this, speeding is next as it is actually a larger risk and kills more people a year. You are missing the point.

i dont get the heated debate here. the person who is willing to hop in a car while impaired isnt gunna buy the car with an alcohol monitoring system on it. unless the government is willing to make it law these systems are useless. and even if they do make it law, the older cars without the system will be given some kind of grandfather clause, and therefore exempt anyways. i think toyota will drop it quick anyways when they find out the only people willing to buy cars with these systems are parents buying cars for their teenagers.

Or how about your parents go out to dinner in their nice new toyota and while driving home at night your dad has to swerve to avoid something on the highway. Your cool new toyota takes thats driving to mean he is drunk and turns the car off in the middle of the highway. So now your parents are sitting in the middle of a highway at night, and look here comes the semi to plow into them and probably kill both of them.

You guys are posing alot of hypothetical scenarios without having any of the facts. I am sure the engineers at Toyota have taken those things into effect…give them some credit for not being total idiots.

Well, It is my cars fault for letting me drive drunk.
So I am innocent.

This concept blows.

exactly, more info is need about this whole system.

And you are right, the engineers are not idiots, but the penny pinchers that make them cut corners are.

Better not gargle with too much Listerine :mamoru:

Wild bump here, from the new infrastructure bill.

According to the bill, new technology would “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit is detected.” One senior Senate staffer familiar with the bipartisan infrastructure agreement negotiations said most lawmakers were likely unfamiliar with the provision, noting that most senators hadn’t even read the bill.

“driver monitoring systems, touch-based systems that can read your blood alcohol concentration through your fingertips and air-sampling systems that can test and isolate just the air exhaled by the driver.”

I’ll just wear my mask while driving.


Personally I’d rather see them do something about texting and driving. I see far more distracted drivers every single time I go somewhere due to being on their cell phone. Whether it be at a red light where they then don’t move when the light is green and cause a hold up for the people behind and less cars to make it through the light, to texting while driving down the road in clear conditions, heavy rain, and snow. It’s pathetic and I’d assume causing more accidents now than drinking and driving. Now… how you go about doing that is a different question.


Do we have any info on this from anywhere? Interested to see.

I would say even ‘if’ it is the case, I doubt it causes as many fatalities

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than intoxicated driving

Based on this quick search, this was the first to come up.

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Bump from the infrastructure bill. 2026 is the date for all new cars:

The legislation says the new technology must “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired” and “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if an impairment is detected.”

If I drive like a dick my car tells me to take a break. It’s pretty lame

Old cars are going to become so popular and expensive. You want a car for freedom? Not anymore (not saying freedom to drink, but freedom to operate as you please).