Twizted got me to join. i know a cpl ppl on here so why not.
I got a nissan hardbody with custom 3-link,bags and im currently painting it. Should be done next week…So far i did the door jams,door and hood…More pics to come. Next year i might do a motor swap…
Any questions just ask…I got a suzuki 450 i play around on also…
Here are some pics

nice ride. do any paint/body work on the side?
Koryyyyyyyyy it is you. What up doggie.
Hey im gonna give you a ring tomorrow i forgot again what the neame of that fairing is that i broke on your dirtbike :lol: ill try to run to donny Gs tomorrow and get it for you
Koryyyyyyyyy it is you. What up doggie.
Hey im gonna give you a ring tomorrow i forgot again what the neame of that fairing is that i broke on your dirtbike :lol: ill try to run to donny Gs tomorrow and get it for you
the bike i a lifarn … i think thats how you spell it. they have them on the show room floor.
nice truck and nice work. +1 on “do you do body/paintwork on the side”
Lowered trucks are not my thing but after seeing yours I may have changed my mind.
[quote=“KraZy K,post:12,topic:28858"”]
the bike i a lifarn … i think thats how you spell it. they have them on the show room floor.
aight. gotcha. ill grab it tomorrow 
nice truck and nice work. +1 on “do you do body/paintwork on the side”
yes i do all the time
bout time u got on here kory lol. (its paul)
good to see the truck coming along :tup:
bout time u got on here kory lol. (its paul)
good to see the truck coming along :tup:
hell yeah dude