oh i remember the days…
personally i htink he should be banned for bringing up the cancer topic like that. it uncalled for and somehting a low life would say
i think you just pulled an EMO card.
who cares. its true. its like why do drunk people walk away from accidents. because they are all loose and not payin attn. well why dont dicks/assholes fuckin die. only nice/good people die.
should billy joel be banned from the world for the song “only the good die young”
side note. i think it is billy joel.
fuck off with that emo card bull shit. im talking about shalerpunk and his wording of cancer. that shit doesnt need to be on a car site
keep to a happy medium guys or get the :lockd:
keep the low blows about cancer out of the threads…that was uncalled for
i stated and thats all that is needed typed. the topic of cancer doesnt need to be brought up on a car site in the manor he used it in.
I agree with that quik!
Look at how much drama this parkbench starts… just unleash the :ban:
hell, i still have a buddy list on aim named “psr” for when we had the massive aim chats.