NOS refills

but your time slips prove otherwise.

Theres no wouldve/couldve/shouldve when it comes to time slips.

A 13.1 is a 13.1.

tires and s.f.c,s better launch and so on …a old 235 horse breakin up lt1 did it


at 109 mph at that


PJB vs SS, same type tire on each car.

that would be good ,esp seein as pauls does run well and is the same c/i gear mods and so .minus the boost though

I dont even know if Im dragging it out this year or even keeping it this year

No offense, but at that price, you’re keeping it.

The price isnt set in stone. I was hoping to find some idiot thats willing to pay close to that though.

True, can’t hurt to try.

not gonna happen. sorry paul.