Does any know how to mount a tank and everything or willing to help me out

Why does this post make me picture a mushroom cloud?

Instructions for wet single nozzle fogger setup

eep. don’t blow the welds on the intake manifold.

is this a universal kit


don’t tell me you are juicing the 1.5…

Best NOS post ever…

This kid wanted to trade me his NOS system out of his car for a snowboard, so I did it. I hooked it up to the car this weekend but something does not seem right. I don’t feel more power or anything when I hit the NOS. The car still feels the same as before I hooked the NOS up. But here are my main problems I am having. My CEL light is on now and gas as spilling out of the gas tank where I ported the NOS into. I tried to use JB weld but the gas just keeps eating away at it. I don’t know what to do now I think I’m going to have to get a new gas tank now and make sure the hole I drill in that one for the NOS port is smaller. I have called the kid a bunch of times for help hooking this up but he will not call me back. I should have never hooked this up. I don’t think he gave me the right part to port into the gas tank

is this kit made for ur car, is it wet or dry?

dear god.

who the fuck posted that one?

its a 1,5 STOCK. i doubt any fuel managment. i promise this thing will blow

you dont know that, if he uses a small shot he could be ok

25 shot wont make it blow.

Wont make it go either

dude 25 HP is a lot when ur car only makes 72 to begin with. 25+72=97.


this kid will prolly try a buck50 shot.

just juice a 150 shot and run nitromethane … you’ll be all set

I had my ZEX kit isnstalled in my stock 87crxsi running 55 shot for a whole year and never had a problem…
and that was running/spraying at the track every tuesday…



i say go for it, start at like 25, and the best thing is 1 bottle will last u a month.

ok thanks guys it is only a 25 shot,dry