NTSB recommands ban on driver use of cell phones and other portable electronic device

Yeah but it’s not just texting. Anything can distract anyone at any time. Hell, people have crashed trying to shoo a fly out of the car.

You gotta have brains when to do it and when not to do. Send a quick text when you’re stopped at a light, etc.

It’s all about awareness. Sadly, most people are UNaware of what is around them.

This is already a law in NY.

This means you won’t be able to use digital cameras? How are you going to record street races from the vehicle now?

My Jetta got backed into 2 nights ago by a 17 year old becasue she didnt see it in here own driveway. Caved both doors in hardcore too.

Point is, people causing accidents, damage and death CANNOT BE STOPPED by laws. If that was the case, it would be a 1:1 ratio of average tickets handed out MORE this year than the last to average number of accidents LESS this year than the last. That ratio isnt even close I bet.

You want to lessen accidents, damage and death? Look at the root causes for the VAST majority of the accidents. I am sorry but sending 100000 texts 11 minutes PRIOR to the accident didnt CAUSE the accident. Thats hands down the most retarded thing I ever heard someone use as an argument. Thats like me saying to a cop “I might be speeding now, but I wasnt 11 minutes ago”.

Remove that bullshit “no-fault” nonsense from accidents. Make the investigators do their jobs, find the casue and who caused it. Then CRANK peoples insurance WAY up when they are the causes of accidents. Make point tickets stick, not reduce to parking on the pavements. Pull licenses. RETEST people, and I am not talking horse and pony show that doesnt even hit 25mph like it is now. Put these young kids in fucking rush hour and see how they cope with driving.

point is make people WANT to stop pushing the envelope and step up their responsibility game. Becasue I can talk, text, gps, change radio stations, get road head, etc while driving, yet some people cant even back a car out of their driveway properly, why should I be held back in life from people who cant handle it?


I’m one of those people who frequently texts or emails while driving and have yet to get into any accidents due to being distracted. However, I think you can look at this proposed cellphone law in a similar light to the DWI law in NYS and across the country. People used to drink and drive constantly back in the 60’s and 70’s and it wasn’t inforced and was considered somewhat of a socially acceptable thing to do. Nowadays, people still drink and drive for whatever reasons that might be, and although the number of people D&D has gone down over the years it’s something that you absolutely cannot eliminate no matter how much you threaten people with fines, tickets, jail time, etc.

Same thing with this law with cellphones they’re proposing to enact. I think you’ll see people being more cognizant of using cell phones while driving due to the fact of getting a hefty fine or points on your license (not sure if that’s something that could potentially be done), but do I think it’s something that will be completely eliminated? Absolutely not.

I had read another article that they had proposed designing some sort of software that would synch your cellphone with your car when you were driving which would ultimately freeze your phone up, not allowing you to use it unless in the case of emergency while driving. Experts have stated that this software is years away from being developed and tested.

GIANT waste of money.

Not only would it not fly for “safety reasons”, IE you crash and the car is still running and you are pinned in the car off the road, fucking phone is useless for you if that were to happen.

Also, even if it was put in place, it would only work on “newer” cars… I doubt my 1969 camaro will “tell” my phone not to work.

ANNND. with everything electrical, it will be hacked in a matter of weeks i bet. so it would be more money wasted with patch after patch to play cat and mouse.

Federal Government trying to invent something that would be a giant waste of money? No way! They never do stuff like that. :crackup

I agree, just like when they decided to invent ignition interlock devices on vehicles for people convicted of multiple DWI’s (now I think it’s only one and you get one though). What did people do? Had someone else blow in the device so you’d get a good BAC and then the drunk person would drive.

A good friend of mine just recently got his first DWI and apparently the State requires you to pay to have a camera and the ignition interlock device mounted in your car so they know the person who blew in it is the person who should be driving.

I see this shit all the time working out on the roads. People nearly hitting the barrels that I’m standing right behind because their heads are buried in their phones. It’s bad enough people can’t drive to begin with, but adding the danger of taking your eyes completely off the road makes it much worse.

I don’t care if you say you’re good at it…you’re not. It’s the same rational people have when they say “oh, I’m good at driving buzzed/drunk”. In actuality they’re still a very dangerous person driving on the road.

Texting is by far the worst offender when I see some assholes swerving all over the road and generally being a piece of shit. If you text and drive, plain and simple, you are an idiot.

I think they should definitely enforce the no cell phones/texting thing, but as for like GPS; as long as you’re not trying to punch the address in while moving then it’s pretty much a non-distraction, unless you’re an old person.

or drive another car. LOL

Its not like they have ANY way to tell you what car(s) you can or cant drive.

Or ride a motorcycle. You can start most bikes with a pocket full of allen keys, a philips head and half a brain. Even if they tried to put a big goofy lock on the bike, and there isnt anywhere to put a camera.

I want to be the head of The United States of Bandaid’ Ideas board. It seems like such a simple job, and even if your idea sucks ass they will still use it.

Fuck me I use my driod for GPS with the car dock all the time

i really hate it when people do anything other that drive when well, DRIVING.
i ask people to put they’re phones away if they’re driving.

So you drive with the radio off? Nobody talking to you? No food or drink? Dont look at the landscape on a country back road? Dont rubber neck to see accidents? Highly doubt it.

So unless you dont do any of the above, its absolutely no different than taking a call on a phone. Talking through a cell phone is literally the same as putting one hand on your ear and talking to the person sitting in the passenger side seat.:rofl

ooh it seems completely different to me.
listening to the radio seems more like a passive thing over something like texting, when they’re looking at their phone, or talking on it.
at least when you’re looking at the landscape you have your eyes looking above the dash/steering wheel.
eating and drinking can and usually is done without taking the driver’s eyes off of the road.
rubbernecking is the same situation. driver’s eyes arent leaving the road.

if you absolutely HAVE to talk on the phone, put it on speaker. it’s not hard.

Everything except for actions made to maneuver a car on a road is literally a distraction. No matter how small or how large. Its up to the DRIVER to say whether or not those actions IMPAIR their ability to maneuver the car correctly.

Putting it on speaker is no different, becasue most people still hold it up like a CB radio becasue the mic and speakers all suck ass on phones… sooooo why not just hold it to your ear? If you are driving an automatic trans, you dont need 2 hands at all times, even people with driving talent can drive a standard with one hand. Hell I have a friend without an arm and he drives a manual AND rides a motorcycle! And its his right arm thats missing!

What causes accidents with cell phone calls are retards that get so engulfed with the calls they zone out. SAME people zone out talking or arguing with people inside the car. The phone isnt the basis for the accident, its driver awareness CAUSED by their inability to focus becasue they are easily distracted. The phone call is a gateway to distraction, like all my other examples.