Cell Phones in Cars in PA

Effective November 10, 2007 motorists in
the state of Pennsylvania will be prohibited
from using handheld mobile telephones while
operating a vehicle. The Bill (House Bill No.
1827) amends Title 75 of the Pennsylvania
Consolidated Statues and was passed on
September 11, 2007.

The Bill states that “No driver shall operate
any moving vehicle on a highway of this
Commonwealth, which shall include Federal,
State and municipal highways, while using a
handheld mobile telephone.”

The term “handheld mobile telephone” is
defined by the bill as:
“A mobile telephone other than a
hands-free mobile telephone with
which a user engages in a call using at
least one hand.”

It also defines hands-free mobile telephone
as follows:
“A mobile telephone that has an
internal feature or function, or that is
equipped with an attachment or
addition, whether or not permanently
part of such mobile telephone, by
which a user engages in a call without
the use of either hand, whether or not
the use of either hand is necessary to
activate, deactivate or initiate a
function of such telephone.”

The new law does not apply, however to the
following, when on duty and acting in their
official capacities:
· Law Enforcement Officers
· Operators of Emergency Vehicles

The bill also mentions that defensible actions
for the use of a handheld mobile telephone will
· The driver had reason to fear for the
driver’s safety
· Reporting a traffic accident
· Making a “911” emergency call

A person who is found to be in violation of
this section commits a summary offense and
upon conviction, will be sentenced to pay a
$50 fine.

how well do you think this will be enforced?


Good law? :dunno: my handsfree requires me to push it once to initiate a call.

Whats this state coming to?

You don’t need a helmet on a bike,

but you have to wear a seat belt

and can’t use your cell phone.:nuts:


I agree, its good and bad. Good that hopefully yuppy snobs will pay attention to the road along with ditsy blondes. Bad that I do business all day long, lots on the phone… im on it in the shop, in the office… in the car, in the tow truck!!.. i’ll just keep an eye out…

About time!!

stock in companies that produce bluetooth anyone?

I already use Bluetooth, so no change for me. Hopefully the 4’11" mother of one in the Yukon XL next to me will learn how to use one too.

Thank god. I like it. I hope they enforce it well. It’s a pet peeve of mine.

I’ll believe it when the cops stop doing it.

about time! I dont like driving and talking on the phone… only on very quick calls or emergencies

I use a headset, I have no worries.

I like this law. Most of the time I just dont answer my ophone when driving. If i do its on speaker attatched to the visor.



my phone is wired up to my head unit for Mp3 use so i can recieve calls through my speakers.

some of the reasoning in that bill was gay thou. i drive with one hand regardless if its on my phone or not… i feel i’m more dangerous using two hands.

I can get used to driving w/ a head-set. Both of my cars have bluetooth capability in the head unit for my phone, but I find it very annoying when someone calls me on bluetooth thru head-units. Always seems staticy… So I’ll probably just get a head set thingy… :dunno: I don’t have a problem w/ the law either, most of the ppl that are driving like shit are on their phones! And I hate to say it, most of them driving like shit and talking on the phones are women! BAH! If ya can’t drive and talk, pull over sister! :ugh: