Hand Helds!!! BAN!!!

The ban on the use of hand held devices while driving is now in effect!

Take note!

$500 - first offence

Car chat or not. Everyone needs to know this!

link to proof?

It’s on CP24…why lie about something like this?

Either way I am searching now.


Not to sure how up to date this is;

I clearly heard CP24 state ban is in effect today…

Maybe trying to get a jump start? Either way…good to know.

Damn…perfect timing…can catch a lot of people off guard today on their way home now…(5pm)

He’s right, its effective as of today.

I for one am 100% for it, im sick of seeing people driving while there talking on their cell thats plastered to the ear, other hand has a coffee, their driving with knees and yelling at their kids in the back seat.

Get a handfree bluetooth, their dirt cheap; like $20 for a cheap one and will save you $500 in fines


Yeaa bout time fuckin shit drivers with cellphones is Danger…

Taken from first link

“The new rules, which don’t come into effect immediately, include a fine of up to $500 as the province joins other jurisdictions in cracking down on drivers using the devices.”

I think it was passed, but not in effect yet…

Is it just me?

lol yeah reading = fail. The law passed today but they figure it will take till the fall to come into effect

taken from 680 news

Toronto - A law that bans the use of hand-held devices to talk, e-mail, or send text messages while driving has passed third reading at Queen’s Park.

The ban, which is expected to take effect by fall at the earliest, still requires Royal Assent to become law.

It excludes hands-free devices, such as Bluetooths or using cellphones for 911 calls, but it does include portable video games, MP3 players and DVD players.

They have an obligation to inform the public of new legislation before they start slamming people with tickets.

ok…looks like it’s time for me to get a Bluetooth earpiece for my cellphone…unless I’m not even allowed to talk on bluetooth? Cuz that will SUCK!

u can use bluetooth still. read the article

i think its a good thing!! lol
i hate driver who dont pay attention cuz theyre on the phone.

yo im a pro at driving on my phone with a coffee and a smoke. i feel i should be exempt.

For some reason…that is reminding of Bunta from Initial D - I know…I’m gonna sound lame for mentioning that but I just couldn’t help it. lol

Unless the cop has you on video talkn on ur cell or holding your cell high in the air With ur eyes fixed on it texting, there is no way they’ll make any of these fines stick lol. Bills like this are just to scare ppl. Don’t sweat it ppl. If u Get slammed with a ticket, just fight it and you will win because the officer has to prove without any reasonable doubt that u Were in fact using ur handheld. And without video evidence its his word against yours and good thing is its not the accused that has to prove there innocence, its on the cop to prove your guilt

im pro at driving when eating a double burger from burger king while rapping up the cell phone min and beating along to the beat of the music im cranking on my steering wheel.