Hand Helds!!! BAN!!!

yeah now you just gotta become a pro at reading comprehension!

like it’s been said, the ban won’t be in effect till at least after the summer

and this ban is stupid anyway

it’s not holding a phone that causes drivers to be distracted. it’s focusing on the conversation rather than the road around you.

talking hands free does very little to restore your attention to the road compared to holding a phone.

They suggest that taking your eyes off the road to dial numbers / text / use your ipod is the real danger, rather than having the conversation, as you can have a conversation safely with a passenger, etc. There’s been a ban here in NL for a few years now, and I’ve ran into it at work previous to that. It’s good to keep people off their phones and concentrate on the road, but people will always do it regardless.

^^^ true to that…
I can actually be on the phone and just not pay attention as much to the call and be fine … it’s when you get too into the conversation that you start sucking.

There the pooolice, they can do what they want, sadly its there word against yours…

How do you think they convict ppl for not signaling or running a red? Same as they would for you talking on a cell phone.


Exactly its the conversation that is the problem, no matter if your talking with it in your hand or if you have a bluetooth.

really? so why would a cop pull you over and give you a ticket for being on the phone if you weren’t…
they dont have to prove anything, if you fight it you have to prove you are innocent it’s simply thier word against yours

lol ^ apparently we have the same view

Aparently you don’t know how our court system works here in Canada. You don’t have to prove shit. The onus of proof is on the Crown. They have to prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that you were guilty. I see alot of these tickets being thrown out.

The next time I see a police officer on the phone in a cruiser, I am calling their plates in.

wow i paid $505 worth of tickets day before yesterday and york civic center was Jaaaaamm packed the city is raping us for money

took the words out of my mouth.
ppl are just too stupid to realize that this is the way the legal system works. they just figure “ohh its the cops word against mine and the judge will believe him”. so they bite the bullet and pay the ticket.
its not like a muffler ticket where its a judgment call by the officer. this new “hand-held” law is you are on your phone or your not. its not the cops “opinion” its all facts and if he cannot prove the fact he’s shit out of luck.

^^ holy someone with a brain. Thank you.


coffee in one hand, smoke in mouth, phone in other hand or on speaker in my lap, all while city driving with a manual transmission.

we get a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Yeah, since it’s the conversation that’s distracting the driver then…why not ban having passengers in the car?!! We might get too distracted with talking to them instead of focusing on the road! shooooo…

Guess no one knows emergency personal is exempt from this law?


TO: all tards that think “innocent till proven gulity” on paper means the same thing in practice

RE: the burden of proof of our legal system

What’s written on paper is not always how things go in real life.

Best example: the Street Racing/Stunting legislation. If charged with a racing or stunting offense, you are punished at the road side before even standing trial.

Show me “innocent before proven guilty” in that case.

Also, good luck with your “no i wasn’t” defense.

If you believe that an officer’s oral testimony does not count as sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were on your phone while driving, you are living in a fantasy world.

If that were the case, NO charges would EVER stick when being disputed in court.

The officer’s notes and his oral testimony are all the “facts” the Crown needs to prove their case.

Of course there are defenses, and with lawyers, of course people get off all the time. But that’s because of plea bargaining and actual defenses submitted by lawyers.

Just saying “he can’t prove it. i didn’t do it” is not a defense anywhere and will get laughed at.

Go sit in a courtroom for a day.

hahaha pwned

THANK YOU… people smarten up… if it comes down to your word vs the cop… like haymakr says, well then your toast… its worse with stunting… if he thinks your stunting you lose your car and license for 7 days and pay impound and towing fees WHETHER YOU WERE OR NOT… doesn’t matter, this is no different.

Haymaker doesn’t think the officers word can get him charged! He’s above the law :slight_smile:

tinted windows FTW

They haven’t even set a date for when this takes effect yet… calm down jeeez

Like other people said, holding the phone is what distracts you, it’s the conversation.

And I know people will say “but you can talk to passengers”, but it is not at all the same.

Let’s say you drive with a passenger and the two of you are talking, you might both be involved in the conversation, but you are both looking out the windshield. If someone slams on the brakes in front of you, you have 2 people at 50% attention span. And if the passenger notices, he will stop talking and you will realize something is wrong and look in front of you.

Let’s say you are on the phone, even with a bluetooth, the person on the other line is talking their headoff and you are listening to them. If someone brakes in front of you and you smash into them, the person on the other end of the line is still talking.

Besides, holding a hamburger while on the phone with your bluetooth is legal, but even more distracting.

Government fails again.

By the way, this law has been around in Quebec since last year, but here you also get 3 points! But the law is only for phones. You can use your MP3 player or walkie talkie as long as their is no phone built into the device.