^lol… you know i drive 60km one way to work every day… all the idiots i get to see every day on the 401… oh boy… and ppl wonder why i used to be pissed about shitty roads, shitty drivers, etc… you feel it when you’re exposed to it all the time…
I always keep my eyes peeled out constantly checking every direction and at distance… which is what everyone should be thought to do and thank God I do… as I literally pay attention for other drivers too… i saved lives merely by horning and flashing when ppl to the front of me, left of me, right of me (not even near me) almost smashed into someone…
IMO the thing that makes people good drivers is not ‘driving the speed limit’ (fuck off government propaganda), but actually paying attention and constantly every nano second updating your brain with what the hell is going on around you even if its no where near you or will be anywhere near you for some time even… having good reaction, focus… which ppl lack and cell phone or not cell phone it makes no difference if the person is generally just a retarded “oh im driving and i dont care what im doing im going to work or groceries” general attitude with an equal face to that of a drugged up junkie who doesnt know where they are.
Then there’s some people who just came to the country and somehow got their license (which i understand) and think that they own the road and just zoom by with no signals… they just decide hey im going left and they go left whether someone is there or not… i mean okay give a signal accelerate fast speed whatever im cool with it but dont fucking cut me off or almost HIT ME because you didnt check your blind spot and didnt give a signal.
I swear… not racist here… but every single time i almost got hit it was some chinese person and NO i am not racist… and my wife is my witness… like 20-30 times i can gaurantee you where i almost got hit it was a chinese person… no small eye jokes here… they just think they own the road and dont pay attention… and i concluded thinking about it… back home style driving… ppl have no driving manners and just grab the road whichever way they want… and two… i think alot of immigrants cheat to get their license… if you got to alot of indian and chinese small groceries you can get a cheat book for how to pass driver license test with all the answers… no studying or reading with understanding but literally question/answer…
I just wish people kept focus on driving, both hands on wheel, checked blind spots and in fact everything like i described in distance even if it doesnt matter to you that second… know what the hell is around you AND… know the limits of your car… that includes acceleration, braking, responsivness… seriously…
I had to let that out of my system lol… believe me every day the crap i see just pisses me off… ruins your day
The government and police are a joke, they just poke and harass people and make money… and unfortunately tent to have an anal attitude as if they are above you and try to instill fear in you if they pull you over, or do a random check up or whatever… I mean give me a break you’re a frickin human too, have some respect for your fellow man