Petition against the new Bill passed.

I was passed on this petition and wanted to post it on here for everyone to sign hopefully it will make a difference.

13358 signatures so far.

~ Justin

Ummm no, that wont work. Primarily because it still has Ernie Eves as the premier of Ontario…last time i checked, the premier was Dalton McGuinty…so yeah good effort but no fish lol

13360 now.

I’m in.

They can’t say no to everyone.

dammit… well i dun really follow these things i was just passed it on so if its no good then w/e lol

~ Justin

My sisters boyfriend is a Halton police officer for 7 years now and I was talking to him about this today. He said they’ve been cracking down on illegally modified cars for the past weeks but only temporarily. It’s the start of a season and they know that there are a lot of cars on the road that have work done to them over the winter and they try to get as many of the illegal ones off the street as early as possible.

if you have an illegal car, illegal modifications, etc. you deserve to get it pulled off of the street. nobody is going to change the fact that your shit is illegal just because a bunch of people digitally sign a badly written petition online.

don’t take this the wrong way - my car is probably way way more illegal than just about any other car on this board. I’m just saying - if you get caught - you have to deal with it. You may “have the right” to complain and whine like a little bitch and voice your opinion - but that doesn’t mean we care to hear it. And it’s definitely not going to change the fact that you got busted for doing something illegal.


isn’t it some type of law that they have to rightfully pull you over?

i remember hearing a case in my law class that some person got pulled over for no absolute reason, and was caught with the above tolerance of alcohol.

went to court and the lawyer said she was wrongfully pulled over for no reason. it wasn’t one of those alcohol tests where they have a unit set up and etc.

but the fact was it was an unlawful pull over and the case was dismissed even tho she was caught with the above % of alcohol in the body.

same goes for if they find illegal items in a car without doing the proper investigation, those items found that are illegal are now unusable in the court of law…or something along those lines.

its just the gist of what i remember so someone please shed some light on this, pretty curious myself to know more about how to protect myself. IE. if i’m asked to pop the hood, i have a right to not comply right? (even tho i have really nothing to hide other than my stock motor)

what is "illegal? lol

i don’t know about pulling over without cause but a cop can’t search your car without your
permision. in think it is called illigel??? search and seizier???


a bit OT, but altho pissing in public is against the law, if a cop was the only one who saw you, you cant get ticketed or charged…apparently the cop wouldnt count, itd have to be an ordinary citizen for you to be charged with…i think some kind of public indecency charge! just letting everyone kno! lmao.

If you do not know the answer to this question, you should read a bit more. There have been lots of threads posted as to what is allowed or not allowed.

An officer needs a probable cause to pull you over. I.e. Unsafe lane changes, weaving, speeding, etc. Once they pull you over, anything that can be seen in plain sight is free game.

I.e Say a cop pulls you over, and you’ve got a baggie with “stuff” in plain sight in the back seat footwell. They don’t need your permission to arrest you for that. It’s in plain sight. AND now that they have one baggie, that’s probable cause to search your vehicle. No permission needed.

That course of action can be abused, but more often it is not.

I hope this helps clear up some misunderstanding.

I believe renman to be correct. I don’t remember exactly how he explained it but my sisters boyfriend (cop) was telling me about it once.

Basically they can do whatever they want. Suspicion is enough to search your vehicle - and they can easily say that you were acting suspicious and that they thought you were high on coke or intoxicated in some way.

If they are really desperate they’ll just tell you that you went over the solid yellow line, or didnt signal for a turn 2 miles back. Even you won’t have any idea if they are telling the truth or not.

And you don’t HAVE to pop your hood, but they’ll just pull your plates and have your car towed if you don’t comply.

That’s bullshit, who defines what’s ‘illegal’.

Like how about even some dumb kid who buys reactive stuff from canadian tire. Why not ‘crack down’ on canadian tire??.. In the end the government is just making money honestly.

Afaik, cops can actually pull you over for no reason whatsoever, just to say hi. It has happened to me and my friends. We did not get any sort of ticket. We were pulled over, while driving within the speed limit and obeying all laws. He asked us where we were, what we were up to, and we were on our way. He said it was a routine check, was pretty polite about it, so we didn’t really care that much.

I was at a gas station yesterday, and two squad cars boxed in some old POS. Not a modified car or anything. Just full of black guys lol. They seemed innocent enough from their appearance, I don’t know really though.

Anyways I walked upto one of the cops and asked him about this new ‘bill’ being passed, and about storiess ive been hearing about them being able to pull over, inspect and sieze vehicles with nothing but suspicion of street racing or illegal modifications. Of course I asked my questions in the most polite way I knew.

The weird part was he didn’t really asnwer me. But instead he pulled out his little yellow citation book, and started writing something down. Then he insisted on asking me, quite rudely I might add, why i was asking this question, and i I owned a car that street raced, or if I was a street racer.

This is seriously out of hand, he almost handed me a god damned citation for asking a question!

quite true… I’ve got an uncle who is an RCMP officer and he was @ the shop the one day and my father was asking him (what type of reason say do you need to search someones car or hassle them) and I was leaving for lunch so he used me in my car as an example…

WELL just so happens I had knife on my key chain (3/4’’ blade) I use it to clean my nails but he saw it instantly and said… (now sir, I’ve noticed you have a knife on your keys and this leads me to believe you may have more “weapons” either on you or in your vehicle.

And according to him… thats all he needs to “legally” be aloud to search my car. So based on his recommendation, I removed the knife from my keychain JUST incase I did run into a cop who was a prick.

Great post! +1 for John

these online petitions have as much weight as the effort it takes to make and sign them

as far as i am concerend illegal and immoral are two totally different things… not even on the same plane of rationality.

there are plenty of illegal things i dont have a problem with and plenty of legal things that i do have a problem with.

you can be the judge and act accordingly but you DO have to accept consequences when you do things that are against the law.

i get lots of tickets i dont agree with… i pay them and i dont change a thing… weeeeeeeeeeee