Vehicle Inspection Report Notice BS

I got pulled over last night for no reason last night and was given this…

They said I have to show up and get my vehicle inspected because he thinks my exhaust is illegal when I have a cat and a muffler. So if it doesnt pass, they will take the plates off the car. My car has 135kms and mint as fuck. This stupid fuckin pig pulled me over for no reason rather than going near a couple bars and book DUIs all night from people leaving from watching the hockey game. I hate how they are prejudice against car enthusiasts.

I hate cops like this. If he got hit by a car while standing at my window I wouldn’t even care. I’d probably end up laughing.

Anyone ever get something like this.

Is this what they do now if they can’t find anything wrong? tie you up and have the mto inspect your vehicle. gay

That is bullshit. Gayest shit ever.

I got one of these a while back. Took it to the justice of the peace and they tossed it… Its just a way for cops that know nothing to try and fuck with people…

What a waste of time, rot in hell pig.

Good luck

that is bs!!

crap… royally messed

i agree with u, if i got pulled and the cop got hit by a drunky… id just laugh… than check my car to make sure there was no damage…LOL

Really huh? Care to elaborate?

I’m pretty confident that my car will pass. The car feels tight and everything works, but I know they’re going to be anal. So I’m going to take it to a buddies shop after work and see what he thinks I should fix before I take it in.

As to everyone else, when I spoke to my buddy he said that apparently there is a blitz going on for modified cars so if you aint legit pull off the road as soon as you see one of those sneaky mother fuckers. They will fuck you.

When i still drove my 240 daily i used to get harassed by a cop in my area that thought he was a mechanic. I knew my car was legit (i got pulled for the same thing “exhaust”) even having a cat,res and muffler. I have argued with this douche tons of times over “illegal mods” as he calls and my “hollywood” exhaust. I finally got into a bad argument with him one time and he issued me one of these things… I snapped, having fought this guys tickets before and winning, so i took the paper into the justice, told her that the cop was incompetent and had no way of telling if my car would pass a safety. Therefor had no reason to issue it to me. Best of all my car had passed a legit Safety less than 3mons prior which i showed her. So she tossed it.

my buddy just got one of these for his gsr swapped civic, he had just a few blot ons and the car is now in the impound and is do to be crushed, they just passed a new law allowing police to confiscate any modified car and if you even have so much as a cold air intake your car will be crushed, this is why i sold my 240 and am now driving a c230 benz. the days of having a done up car are over stop now before you end up like my buddy and have your life turned around and feel like there no point to live any more.

Look on the bright side, if your car isn’t legit at the moment at least you have a few days to get it up to standard before they pull your plates. Better then getting inspected right on the spot and having your car towed.

But yes, pita none the less.

this is gay. must be part of the thing bing talked about… getting all the old car off the road thing.

Wait… This is in Ontario? First time I’ve heard of this… That sucks for your buddy, I’d be heartbroken if some pig impounded my car and crushed it.

No it’s not for Ontario… All they can really do is impound your car on the spot for the 50kmhr over law.

To my knowledge the whole crushing thing was just a rumor up here. I have NEVER heard of anyone having their vehicle crushed up here for that reason.

That’s one of the stupidest thing I’ve heard. Your buddy was probably street racing fast and the furious style and got booked.

For those that care, I took my car in and all I have to change is my rear brake pads because they are ‘questionable’ some wouldn’t pass the car with them and some would. Also I gotta make sure to have a spare tire with a jack and tools to take off the tire.

Just shows what a waste of time this is.

Well thats not bad but agreed what a waste of time.

Can you just say the car is now undriveable due to unforseen repairs and have the date bumped? Or are tehy going to come to your home/garage to inspect it?
I’m happy you got through but its such a hassle and inconvenience for people that daily drive the 240.

fucking cops, sometimes im happy when sometimes ppl kick there ass

i dont even know why they dont go for the muscle cars with crazy flipping superchargers and crazy v8 exhaust that are loud as fuck