Cell Phones in Cars in PA

Almost anytime I am driving I am on the phone. It’s the most free time I get sometimes. I think this is a terrible law.

I guess people will just have to text message while driving now.

If you cant talk on the phone while driving then you should not be able to eat fast food while driving, smoke while driving, or even touch the radio when driving unless you have steering wheel controlls… but yet you dont need a helmet while on a street bike capable of going 170+ gotta love it…

Someone at work sent this to me. Is it actually a law? It looks like it might still be in the “bill” stage. Last action was referral to Transportation on Sept. 11.


They arent saying that driving with one hand is dangerous… they are saying that if you are holding a phone in one hand you don’t have the view to do things like you could with two. Ever know someone that doesnt turn all the way to look around in traffic because they are on a phone? I do. Also, holding a phone in one hand and trying to dial it/text/ etc. is why they are using the ‘one hand’ rule.

haha all the cops around here roll with phones stuck to their heads

Yeah, sounds like a house bill that passed. Definately wasn’t signed into law by the Governor, it would have been all over the news. Some form of it will probably become law sooner or later

I consider my car part of my office. On some days the only time I have to make calls is on my way to my next appointment… or inbetween appointments. I already find it easier to work with a headset. I feel safer driving with one, and it’s easier to take notes whether I am driving or siting on the side of the road (I typically pull over to take notes)

however I also txt, and e-mail on the road…

??? have you never been behind some idiot that is sitting at a green light blah blah blah on the phone? Never been cut off by a soccer mom who is talking to her girlfriend? God forbid if you get near someone 70+ driving and trying to talk on the cell…I think this is a terrible response IMO.

I think the premise behind this is that it is proven that if you are talking on a phone while driving you are not 100% paying attention to the road and your surroundings. But good point on the eating…smoking and changing the channels, not so much.

I try not to talk on the phone in the car(s). I am guilty however. I’ve missed turns etc trying to talk on the phone. I think this is the law that will coax me into getting a head set, and I will probably still be uncomfortable driving while talking…

Texting and emailing while driving…I won’t even touch that one…:confused: :doh:

when cops dont do it i dont do it untill then…:wackit: on that law

I’m all for it. Maybe people will pay attention to what they’re doing when they don’t have their damn phone stuck to their face.

drunk driving is against the law too and people do it often. the people who get caught with their phone are still gonna do it. just another money maker for PA.

true that… its rare to see a city officer NOT on their cell phone.

Hey, does this men that the postcard i got from tmobile stating that the new law says we can only use the phone in the car with a headset? I mean, they also said to swing by and buy one or two but they were still saying the law says you can only use the cell on a headset. This version of the law doesn’t seem to say that at all.:confused:

$50.00 fine my ass.

We all know that the fifty dollar fine will be closer to $200 when actually ticketed with all the fee’s.

The new law states that LEO is “excused” and they may use a cell phone.

I still haven’t seen proof that it’s a law. I won’t believe it until then. :slight_smile:

I hope this gets actively enforced unlike the seat belt law. I can’t stand it when I see someone driving and yelling into the phone. Putting make up on is also another serious distraction that needs to be eliminated. Usually when I see either of these occurrances I will blast my horn and give them a thumbs down. The one-hand approach to this is not really the problem. I drive with 1 hand on the wheel and 1 hand on the shifter about 95% of the time. It’s when people start talking and transferring their focus to the phone is where the accidents come from.

For some reason it never seems as severe when the driver is carrying on a conversation with someone in the car though.

I did a paper on this in college and all evidence shows that it is actually the cognitive function of speaking on a cell phone while driving that is the most distracting, not the physical act of holding the phone to your ear.

Having said that it still frees up both hands to actually be involved in driving. Or eating, shaving, reading the paper, ladies doing their makeup, smacking your kids, etc. Oh well, we’re just joining up with other states (NY, NJ, I’m sure many others) that have already enacted similar laws. No big deal, bluetooth is your friend.

It’s not a law. Still stuck with the Transportation Committee of the Senate.

School buses don’t have seatbelts, but we can’t use a cell phone while driving?

Or else if you eliminate cell phones, peopel are still going to find other things to distract them from driving.