Cell Phones in Cars in PA

if ur watching what other people are doing in their car you are already driving wrong, you should be watching their signals, tailights, the car infront of them etc… i dont have time to give a shit to flip out on some filth bag doing her make up. stress kills.

this law will be passed im sure, just because this state is so screwed up… I cant wait to see how many of these tickets I get in a year… Why can they not put a law like this on the ballet and let the tax payers vote on it??

I can’t believe how many of you think more laws are a great idea. More laws take away freedom. With people like you guys in this country no wonder we are headed to a big brother type state.

Here is the simple deal, everybody does something that makes somebody else mad. Everybody is in a minority of some sort. Just because you don’t drive with a cell phone doesn’t mean that other people shouldn’t be able to. Even if you don’t do something you need to stick up for other peoples rights.

How many people on this site like to modify their cars. Probably most considering the purpose of this site. Well how many people in the general population modify probably substantially less than half. If someone proposed a law saying all modifications to vehicles were illegal according to the logic of many on this site the rest of the non modded public should say “screw em I don’t modify my car, I’m sick of hearing loud pipes and intake noise anyways. I’m glad they are passing this law.” or they could say “I don’t modify my vehicle but I don’t think it’s right that the freedom to modify should be taken away from those that choose to.”

If you don’t stick up for freedoms you don’t choose to exercise then don’t expect anyone to stick up for your freedoms.

you serious ???

head/body movements are a good indicator on what that person is doing or is gonna do next.
correct on everything else.

assume everyone is a Idiot, therfore you drive for them and avoid them

This is from a professional driver that sees daily what idiots do. My G/F used to drive OTR (18 wheeler, from PA to AZ) and says almost the same thing as above.

Nice haul, was she doing dry van / reefer or household goods ?

I don’t know if anyone else posted this already:


this is correct

uhuh, because they will get you for a seatbelt violation, too.

My dad is a truck driver, too. He’s told me the same thing a few times.

I agree with it as well. Assume the rest of the world can’t drive (and in SC, assumptions are correct) and know where everyone is at all times. I always know whats around me in case I need to bail out when the retard in front of me slams on the brakes because of a plastic bag on the road in front of them. Its also saved me from alot of accidents.

Furniture. No reefer :tounge:

there have been studies that show you are just as impaired with a headset as you are with a phone up to your ear.

This is why my kids are going to get my truck for the first few years of driving. There is no radio to distract you, it’s a stick, the power steering does not work and it’s hard as fuck to turn the wheel even with 2 hands, and it’s safe.

If lawmakers really want to correct the problem, sue the companies making dvd movie players for cars, xbox’s and such for cars, radio’s, etc… But it’s all about convenience and everyone wants their “toys” in the car.

I have heard that same study…
I wouldn’t doubt it. 10 years ago the major distraction was how many teens were in a car… So in many places they limited that along with making a curfew… now its cell phones which are just as muich a distraction. I used to ride the HOV lane to work with sonny and we would count the number of people talking on a cell phone or texting at 6:30am on the way to work.

WHO do you NEED to talk to at 6:30am in rush hour… you are going to be to work in 5 minutes!

Cell phones are :greddy2:

Had this in CT and now in DC. Lots easier to drive with a hands free, I’d support it

HAHA - It’s been called a Hoax!
