Nutswingers Unite!!!!

i didnt get it til i read some posts the other day. then seen Travis’s Sig. If i were u, I’d been on the DL, because of everyone going OMFGWTFBBQ, SOOPRA!!! OMFG I jizzed my pants, some one grab me a towel. (i was like that when i first seen rays… ) but it wears off QUICK.

I thought he was getting it TODAY not yesterday, and didnt see that other thread adam made. ONLY reason i made this one. Now its turned into a NUTSWINGERS!!! just for likeing almost everyones dreamcar… I’m sorry but the last time i checked, it wasn’t a car you see 34820394820 times a year, on a daily basis.

Funny how SO MUCH DRAMA/Conservancy can come outta someone getting a car. IDFC whos car it is. the fact that theres now one in the albany area is cool.