Nice work 93excoup and Vroom! Impressive!
nice bells newman.
he is also missing the rings in the cord. I have never seen a cord like that on a phone, and I think we have that phone in the conference room.
the phone on my desk has 2 autodials. and fuck you about the rings, there is no coil path extrude in adesk inventor…
…and the phone usally have buttons or knobs on the side of the phone for volume/inputs.
omg, do i need to post a picture of the phone on my desk?
there isn’t? :scratcheshead:
I see volume buttons :shrug:
you can extrude along a path, but only a straight line. definitely not a 3d spline. There are macros that do it, but not in stock IVten
^ i dont see a volume knob, the bottons that run east/west and more like a seek/search
can you add some light to the phone so I can pick out the rest of the imperfections?
There seems to be a light source, that is casting a pretty dark shadow on the wall… but its not bright enough to show the rest of the detail onthe face of the phone.
where is the lcd screen?
speaker phone?
When you actually use a phone like this you will know where the “volume knob” is. Its there, but your a noob.
Some MS paint crap from me screwin around at work.
If you have any requests… I’m available for hire
those characters are funny did you make them up they are funny
these are the characters on a calendar I have on my desk. I like to call the old one Grandpa and the big one Bitey.
Here is one I made of Newman when I heard he thought my characters were funny.
HAhahahhah pwned
hahaha, i dont wear belly shirts. and is that facial hair or cum on my chin, cause i dont have any facial hair…
LMFAO jack u got waaay too much time on ur hands…i gota get a job there.