sure set it up and send me teh monies
yeah wtf does NYspeed need a fundraiser for
spend the money on a web designer to make the site look better?
canadian ballet?
i like this idea. have a bbbbbbbbq
Site looks fine to me
me=kiddin, sure its a little plain but it keeps it simple
lol a BBQ with a banner that reads “OMGWTFBBQ!”
How about this for a fundraiser: One of you guys with a nice car rent it to me to use as the getaway car at my wedding, or whatever it’s called. I don’t want a limo. Being driven is not my style. My fiance would probably kill me but I want one of our wedding pictures to be a picture of “Just Married” on the back window barely visible through a huge burnout smoke cloud. :pimp:
sounds kinda stupid - whos cars will we wash, eachothers?
so, what’s the fundraiser for again?
a picnic?
ummm… fundraising is dumb… that is what advertisers are for…
coke and hookers
thank you