NYSpeed fundraiser

If como park or anywhere else would allow us to use their property would anyone be interested in doing a NYSpeed fundraiser carwash?

a la dodgeball’s “all male” carwash.

Laughing out loud at newman.

Yeah, I think this could be a cool move.

Dude were not 16 year old high schoolers, a bunch of 21+ yr old males doing that seems a little weird

do something more manly, like embezzlement, or NYSpeed hits…


Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread:
4 (4 members and 0 guests) newman, unicorn, Eclipse_Girl23, articzap


hahaha…there is gonna be a random guy playing with his belly button while watching newman wash a car

Newman, unicorn is
September 1, 1976”

No clue who it is though.


Fundraiser for what?

  1. set up nyspeed carwash
  2. have him bring the high school girls he knows
  3. profit


fixed again

ew those car washes are terrible :frowning: they always bother me.

that was deff itsapenguin on my sn…stat its u man

don’t think the carwash idea is well-liked.


down south i went to an exotic car wash. Now that was something to see.

I think if were gonna do a fundraiser, charge people and give them a ride in a car of there choice.

uhm… why do we need a fund raiser?

does Z need beer money?

mmmmmmm minors.

thats what i love about high school girls. i get older, they stay the same age. yes they do.


GREATEST QUOTE EVAR FROM MOVIE…how bout instead of fundraiser we all jsut chip 20 bux in and have a BBq some where