Community service/ giving back to the community

So I attended my local Chamber of commerce awards dinner last night and it made me realize that I want to give back to my community more. I know it sounds kind of cheesy, but I heard a speech that inspired me. I have been thinking about it for quite some time now and I think its time to get moving on it.

All morning I have been kicking myself for not talking to someone about it while I was there last night.

What do you guys know about this? I would like to be involved more in giving back. Could be building a house, donating my time, etc…

Anyone on here involved in anything like this?

Talk to Cougarspeed…works with Buffalo B Team.

Yeah, I was just coming to post that. I wish I was able to volunteer last year.

You know what would be cool if we had a fundraiser meet this year for a charity/family in need.


that could be cool. set it up!

Im a director on the g.i. chamber of commerce. I used to volunteer at the VA hospital but went on 2nd shift and it changed things. Will prob get on that one again soon. Was a Vol fireman in Amherst for a few yrs but had to leave when i moved.
Once everything settles down for me want to get more involved instead of just sending money.
Do it, but pick something close to your heart so you have the passion to help and not just ’ be there’

That’s exactly the way I feel. I don’t want to volunteer just to do it or say that I do it. I would much rather find something that I take pride in and genuinely enjoy. I was almost recruited for the Rotary club, which I may still go to a meeting, but it doesn’t sound like my cup of tea. Don’t get me wrong, I am all for finding a cure for Polio, but it’s not my choice of work.

Are you looking to start your own fundraiser/event/club or just work with an existing one?

I work with the Buffalo B team. Usually attend 3-4 fundraisers a year(aka drink beer) and volunteer my time for prjects like city of light and park renovations every year. Its mostly young professionals and a great organization.

My name is Andrew Blake for how you heard. We have a pretty good time and give back.

Also we give time at Friends of the Night People.

I would probably just work with someone. I don’t have the time to do my own thing as of right now. I figure I’m young and I feel I have a lot to offer whether it be manual labor, fundraising, networking or just plain helping people and I’m not doing myself or anybody else justice by not putting it to use.

My work does a lot of donations and work with Friends of the Night People. I do the 5k yearly.

Join B team. Come to a meeting/fundraiser. Its great networking, we give a ton back, if you want to lead initiatives they will help connect you to the right people and then we all will support it. It is a great organization.

I hope im in the position to have the time to give back someday

For now my state income tax will have to do the job

When is your next meeting?

Making time for the fundraisers is easy. Its just convincing yourself to make it to an open bar for $20-$40 hahaha It’s making the time for the whole “work” part that becomes a little challenging.

---------- Post added at 09:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 AM ----------

Don’t even know to be honest. I am not on the chair or anything. My gfs good friend liz is so she just e-mails us the updates and we show up. Fill out the thing and it will prob be liz that contacts you. Or e-mail them.

Might sign up as well. I like the renovation projects.

Looks like march 6th

I usually dont go to the board meetings. Just the bar + work events. I think they are looking for some to be more active. With work full time and MBA right now I cant make that leap but deff will next year I think.

---------- Post added at 09:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 AM ----------

This is who you should contact

Liz Callahan, Chairman

Liz was born in Buffalo, NY, and is currently working as a digital optimization analyst for Local Edge. After moving back to Buffalo from White Plains, NY; she decided to join the B_Team because she loves Buffalo and wanted to work to better it. Liz wants to see Buffalo become a great city again, and let people be proud of being from Buffalo again!

Contact Liz at

Totally in! NYSpeed can help the area do something. Good idea.

Heaterz for charity?

Haha I was thinking more like cleaning up a park or something like that…but yes heaterz for charity is good too. lol