NYspeed scavenger hunt

OK, well i think its time i organize another one… anybody who is interested in volunteering please PM me

Anybody have a day of the week that will work better? Sunday afternoon non autox days i was thinking are usually good for most people,


that shit was mad fun a few years ago

im def in

and sundays would be key

ok… any forum sponsors want to put up any prizes?

Would anybody be opposed to a 20 dollar per car entry fee (2 drivers) this would make it easier to get GOOD prizes for people instead of just dumb stuff…

I think one thing to find is the BJ’s odd jobs vehicle :slight_smile:

I’m in but I’d need a few weeks notice.

He still rocking that sweet jeep?


I actually have run a few and am in the middle of organizing one for September. I would be more then willing to help organize / run one. Let me know and I can show you some of the lists of things I have.

Same one I always see.

I’m def interested!

i have a prize to donate

replica police officer 1/13 scale. includes billy club, cufs, and neato shades.

i figure it is good for second place prize, considering it was what josh and i got for second place last time we did this. you can have it, free of charge. or i want an extra point value to go towards my total in this years hunt.

i’d do it. if its within the next 3 weeks

im hoping to do it within the next month yes…

gonna be alot of stupid stuff on the lists

would you guys like cryptic clues or straight forward stuff?


sticking with the same team as last time

Sean(Officer K) and I

(Team Assmilk)



are we only gonna do 2 people per team again?

I’m in, but we need Pumice in on it, he did an excellent job with the first one!

PUMICE! Where are you?

wasnt last one you had to pay to enter

it wasnt a bad idea

but what do you have in mind for prizes

actually me and pumice and kate organized the first one…

ill probably make sure everybody who enters gets some sort of prize, with real stuff for places 1-3 and then funny crap for everybody else

real stuff may include innovative gift certificates/universal car parts shit like that

depending on how many people enter

well at least we know the winners from last time wont have a chance to win this time…since they are no longer on the forum(s)

yeah, but he showed to be the leader


so PUMICE…where are you nowadays anyway?

Does it come with a replica minority suspect to use the billy club on?