4th Annual Southtown's Scavenger Hunt - Saturday September 8th, 2007

Well for the past few years I have been organizing a scavenger hunt for a bunch of friends and family. I would like to open it up to the nyspeed community since I noticed the other one didn’t seem to take off. I have just recently launched a website for the scavenger hunt and you can check it out at www.southtownshunt.com. It is still in the early stages but is coming along.
Basically here is the breakdown:

Cost - $100/team of 4 - Includes t-shirts, food and beverages after the event as well as cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd

Location - Meet at Shanghai Red’s Downtown, get the list of items and pictures that you need to take and meet back at a bar in the Southtown’s three hours later.

Date - There is a poll on the website asking people which date is better, September 8th or September 15th.

Anyways, check out the website, give me some feedback, check out the pictures and stuff from the previous hunts and let me know if you are interested.




team AWD P0wn5 j00

Stupid everything being on Sat…I need a job where I’m of on the weekend like everyone else.

if a team needs some someone let me know

Ok I am going to try and update the website today with some firm dates.

I like the thought of the later date.

fuck yea!! soo for this one…

Me too… Cause this one is actually happening.

Team “Uncle Randy touches me after 6pm, when my parents leave him to baby sit me, while he wears a scuba mask and has a lit dinner candle in his ass” ASSEMBLE!!!

That could very well be the best team name ever. I see bonus points in your future.

If you guys could do me a favor and just vote on the website, that way I can track it on there. Then in the registration section just email me, team name, the names of all four people on your team, and shirt sizes. I will be updating the website soon so it says all this I promise.


Rob - can I be on your team?


Im pretty sure the team name is going to end up being the 4 wheel peels or something not cool.

Well you have some time to think about it

Rob - you are officially not in charge of our team name.

lol i know it sucked. can it contain the words jail bait?

If we use my wagon, how about “4 teammates and 17 dead hookers”?

OH! If we get Zong, we can be Team Race Wars!
Add a little Chino, and we could be Crash and Burn.

i was thinking if we get another wagon we can be “3 wagons and a guy who doesn’t love teh cock”

But then you don’t fit the mold.