Official Travis Fundraiser thread.

We all know what happened tonight. It’s time to focus on the future. Obviously the man needs to get back and forth to work and have general transportation…

It’s time for this forum to step up and shows it’s true colors as a community of car enthusiasts, and more important, as friends that will help other friends out in times of need.

I’m in for 100 bucks. It dosent matter if you give 20 or 2000-the point is, step up and help a man in need. I only ever met him once, but I’d do this for any of you guys. If you don’t have anything positive to add, don’t fucking post in this thread.


i’ll throw down what i can

I’ll throw down whatever i can. I also look around for whatever super cheap beater i can find for you Trav. If i had the motor in my beater i’d loan that to you

Set up a paypal thinger and I’ll give some. I’m out in Buffalo so I can’t really hand a wad of bills to anyone.

ill help out…seeing this happen to someone you know (well forum wise) sucks…deep down inside he isnt a bad guy so come on everyone help him out

i got some money on it just let me know who is collecting. it really sucks… ill also keep my eyes open for anything around.

i’ll do whatever i can to contribute as well. money wise it won’t be much, but i could help you out with a car no problem. if you get something that needs work or whatever, let me know, and i’ll help you turn the wrenches. best of luck to you man.

throw down what i can

Added to the news.

I cannot imagine what that feels like to have that permanent knot in your stomach.

Travis best of luck to ya, hopefully the insurance will come through!

What happened? Obviously some sort of accident with his car?

his car engulfed in flames.

This is a huge loss, Travis’ STI meant the world to him. So many problems, so many haters it’s really too bad. As i said last night, i am in major shock especially from being at the scene. I will help/do everything i can to help out.

If Some one responsible wants to collect donations then I will certainly contribute. Nicole is offering to start a paypal account. I have some money set aside for my car but some things are more important. Lets raise some money and get this kid a reliable driver. He is in a desperate situation

Swifty seemed to do a great job with the fund raiser for Vlad, but if he’s not aware or not down for it, i’ll be happy to gather everything up and we can all present it to Travis at dinner or something.

sounds like a plan swifty could handle it if he wanted and a paypal thing would work

count me in…

We should buy him the car too… something tight and reliable… and so he doesn’t blow the money. Who cares if he likes the car we get him. It just needs to get him to work

100% agreed. i can fix anything we get him. i’m sure john and others will help out too.

just heard about this this morning from john and steve, thats rough I’ll see what I can give.

There is a civic for sale for 300$ down the street from Paisons pizza on Western.

Could work for now to get to work and back while the rest of the issues are figured out.