NYSpeed moron crew. Time to man up!


What was with the worthless post? Trying to make yourself feel good behind the keyboard???

How well did I do? What does my score mean?
Intelligence Interval Cognitive Designation
40 - 54 Severely challenged (Less than 1% of test takers)
55 - 69 Challenged (2.3% of test takers)
70 - 84 Below average
85 - 114 Average (68% of test takers)
115 - 129 Above average
130 - 144 Gifted (2.3% of test takers)
145 - 159 Genius (Less than 1% of test takers)
160 - 175 Extraordinary genius%

either you’ve got yourself a bum test, or this place is full of brilliant minds.

means your above average, probably didnt take the pre test like i didnt, and you didnt lie about your results.


I got a 143 when i took a real IQ test at a learning center when i was like 18 or 19… me & my father went… we got the same # of questions wrong, but my younger age pushed me over him by 5 points YAY!

I tried taking this here at work but its WAY too noisy for me to concentrate and i stopped after 5 questions… ill go back and finish later

133 here. It may have been higher, but my girlfriend decided that this was a good time to ask me a question. Then get upset when I said “I’m Busy hang on a sec”.




Funny how internet IQ tests work, isn’t it?

more than 50% of nyspeeders that took the test are Gifted(2.3% of test takers)


His question…

My reply…

Therefore, not a worthless post. I also posted my score…you haven’t. How about you follow the rules of the thread and post up your score?

Well fuck, I got a 172…

I used my intelligence to answer the questions and then opened it in another window and did it twice as fast by filling it all in again quicker. The test takes into account speed as well as accuracy, if you read the instructions.

Since nobody else thought of that, I will definitely consider myself a genius today :slight_smile: Cheating is only a word taught in grade school. In real life, it’s called “Knowing how to find the answers and doing things more efficiently to achieve a better outcome.”


I got a 135, some of the questions I didn’t feel like doing so I just made an educated guess

:word: Life is open book.


I actually scored a 47, I am so ashamed.

Dear Eric,

Thank you for your interest in the test at IQTest.com.

Your general IQ score is: 103
im dumb as shit

Dear Cal,

Thank you for your interest in the test at IQTest.com.

Your general IQ score is: 122

I guessed on 90% of the math questions

115 - 129 Above average


thank god i beat Just Karter or i would really consider punching myself in the dick

131 dumb fucks! YAHHHH