Well, guess first, then tell me what you think I’m spending it on.

sry… took it out of my wallet, and was bored enough to do the typical thing.

spell something with it.

What am I spending it on? What would you spend it on?

I know its not a lot, but its going somewhere… be the first to guess, and you might get a Washington out of the deal. Or think of something better than my idea, and you might get a Lincoln.

hiv meds?

Your down payment on a house of some sort?

a car to replace the 3000gt?

i say house

Isn’t a downpayment 5 ~ 10%?


I thought you can go as low as 5%, and if that is 5 percent, a house can easily be bought for around 80K

Unless … he doesn’t have all the money in the pictures combined…

Wedding stuff

I retract my original guess, I say wedding fund.

Yeah an he folded them exactly the same twice, I don’t think so…



Riddalin(sp?) for everybody. :tup:

if i had 2 gerr id spend it on coke and hookers.

but thats just me.

hi-class hookers

You ever go house shopping on the westside?

BTW - To avoid PMI you want tyo put down 20%. 10% just doesn’t cut it these days.(All depends on what type of mortgage you gte but PMI comes with most of them)

FYI - 10% will only help on your monthly payments… but not substantially. You still get hit with PMI (mortgage insurance basically) Because you didn’t put down at least 20% they are going to charge you a % of what the purchase price is. A house for $110,000 is about $60 per month. That $60 per month does not go towards your interest, or your principle, it goes to the bank. That money is theirs… and is completely profit. You will continue to pay that $60 per month until you have 20% equity… which is basically your 10% downpayment, plus another 10% in payments. Say you do put down 10%. Thats 11k. Not bad right? Well your payments will be about $650 for P/I (principle/interest), another $200 for taxes (depending on where you live), $50 for insurance, and THEN YOU TACK ON $60 for PMI.

So your monthly w/o utilities is $960. Because only 900 of that is going towards P/I, it will take you 16 payments to get the other 10% into equity, which is $1200 wasted.

No, unfortunately, I was outbid on the house I was interested in. Someone came in @ the selling price, and I was not going to pay more.

If any of you ever wanted to get out of your shitty appt and put that money towards something you could own in the future, you can buy a house with 0 down… and if you don’t make a lot of money there are great programs avail. They will give you money to help you get into the house.

:tup: … or should that be :tdown:

Well folks, thats Pictures, and Video. You know… those things some of us take everyday? PICTURES AND A VIDEO FOR $2000???

I just took 2 pictures, cropped them, and hosted them on the internet in 3 minutes, and I could do the same with video… but since I’m aparently in the wedding, I have to pay someone else 2k to do it.

ok. /rant …

Anyone else got any horror stories about paying for a wedding?

Sorry, I don’t check that shit out because I don’t need to put a down payment on up to $250,000.
