Well they are finally up.
It seems like the internet itself didn’t want me to upload them. Everything went wrong and Photobucket is just the devil. :banghead
On a bright side, it seems I managed to get a good picture or two from the show.
Let’s start with OCC bikes.
The National Guard bike is a go!

Some more of OCC stuff you may recognize

Yours truly

Let’s move on to the parking lot.

And of course who can forget the local crew :ahh

Oh and some random guy being the laughing stock for the show after leaving the bathroom.

you can delete this picture now

and burn it to the ground
LMFAO that car is still runs???
That or I figured should would have killed herself by now!
That 240 with the V8 looks like it could use a new front bumper :lol Bet it moves good though!

Wash your fucking jeans jim my god :rofl
im so pissed no one told me about this.
Great pics Vlad! It was worth the wait!
There were 2 threads about it! Even the ride home was fun with average speed in the triple digits!